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Dark Site Binocular Late Summer Targets


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With thoughts focused now onto late Summer observing, I aim to plan for an overnight trip at a dark sky location that will involve exclusively my 16x70 binoculars. The binoculars will be mounted on a monopod and I will take an O-III filter and my SQM.

Roaming through Cygnus will be a primary consideration. I would like to discuss specific targets for a late summer night binocular stargazing and would be good to hear of your thoughts on targets and if you plan / look forward on doing something similar.

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Will be doing the same funnily enough with my 15x70's. I think I missed a trick though last year as I concentrated low in the south to try and bag M16-25 as I was in the south of France. Did spend a bit of time in Perseus and Cassiopeia which were nicely placed high to the North. 

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Yep, I'll be taking the 25x100s out with the self built parallelogram mount on my rounds - as Mr Niall states above, late summer observing will hopefully include the glorious Sagittarius region! Also M27 M33, and M57 at a push. Spoilt for choice in a dark sky!

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Just the type of session I love!

Remember targets in Ophiuchus and Serpens, then all the way along the Milky Way.  Putting effort into the dark nebulae will reap rewards on the bright objects.

Not sure about OIII though.  UHC may give a more pleasing view if you have the option.

Nice to plan ahead.



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Thanks and yes dark nebulae will be of particular interest if transparency is favourable. Bob King's article in Sky & Telescope; Shadow Play - Summer Time Dark Nebula for Binoculars, available to read on-line, outlines some of the targets I would like to attempt. Regarding these, Barnard's E, consisting of B143 and B142 in Aquilla is just perhaps the most straight forward, having been quite visually accessible in my wide field refractor last season. I will be observing from a good vantage point at 501metres, perhaps gaining some low elevation targets. My Lunt binoculars are 4.1 degree field of view, a little bit comprised perhaps for some dark nebulae but still adequate. I will give some thought to an applicable filter, this is not something I have tried with binoculars before, as it will involve holding the filter in front of the objective. A UHC would be a good alternative, such as for the North America.   

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