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Weatherproof telescope head without observatory.

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I recently completed a pier in my back garden and would like to mount my heq5 pro head on it permanently.

Dont want to build an observatory around it, not yet anyway.

Was wondering what solutions there might be out there it keep the head safe in the UK weather.

I would rather make something than buy a solution.



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I currently keep my AZEQ6 outside permanently. Originally I just used a cheap telescope cover which I already had but water somehow got into it and I ended up having to replace the motherboard. Current setup is a dew heater on low power wrapped around the mount head, then two rubble sacks held in place with bungy cord, then the cheap telescope cover again held down with bungy cord. It's been like this for a good 6 months now with no issues and it's never felt wet under the cover. I do plan adding another cover, perhaps a telegizmo to add another layer of protection before winter. 

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Or a big silica gel pack, one of those you can recharge by plugging in. I use two for the scope and mount in my observatory, but which are kept under a big mattress bag. The silica gel drops the humidity below 20%.

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2 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

How is one covered for insurance if the mount is easily accessible and it's easy to take. I had a meade 12inch stolen several years ago and that was in a bolted ror. Thankfully I was insured. Afterall it's a good grands worth sitting outside. 

Luckily for me one of my neighbor works from home everyday. While the ones backing up to my lot is a big family and the grand parents are always working in their yard. Still it's north of 5000 GBP in the dodgy looking shed :)

I rationalize it by saying well... it would be an opportunity to get approval for an upgrade! Still would suck but that's the silver lining.

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I use a Heavy Duty Tarpaulin from B&Q. It's Blue on one side and silver on the other side. So I have it silver side out. A liberal application of Gorilla Tape (great stuff!) to turn it into a vaguely tube like shape. A decent mount cover underneath, heated puppy pads under that and you are good to go.

Mine's been out there for 10 years. Mount head, OTAs, Cameras, Filterwheels, electronics (in a waterproof box) - the whole lot. Whip the covers off and I'm up and running.



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