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Stargazing at AstroCamp in the Brecon Beacons


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The forecast leading up to the Spring 2019 AstroCamp was not looking that promising, but as yet another example of why we downtrodden (by the weather) astronomers should keep the faith was the first night which proved to be remarkably clear.  Fortunately I decided to keep notes so was able to write up the log.  Report is on the link below.


I decided to take my APM LZOS 115 for two reasons.  One the weather did not look promising and hence the effort to carry something larger did not look to be rewarded (what was I saying about faith?) and second, I have recently had APM do a complete rebuild of the scope with upgraded tube and 3" Feathertouch so it was a chance to give the scope its first run out since getting it back.  Here it is waiting for dark.



Hope you enjoy the report.  Clear skies!

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Thoroughly absorbing and brilliantly written report. Goes to show what can be seen from a dark site.

I was out for a couple of hours last night and struggled to see a fraction of what you had!


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Thanks.  Glad you found it an enjoyable read.  It is quite fun to go back over notes post a session like that and construct it to a narrative that is good to read at a later date.

I will have to check my diary and remaining holiday allowance for the SGL camp.  It would be good to meet some SGL members in person rather than always digitally.


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  • 3 months later...
20 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

A great read. It's whet my appetite. Tickets bought and I'm ready for my three hour drive south to Autumn Astrocamp in a couple of weeks!





See you there.  Hopefully not jinxing it, but the long range forecast looks promising.

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