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Hello.. from the midlands


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Hi guys! im [removed word] a web designer from the midlands.. ive always been interested in astronomy but only recently got a telescope ( the starlight 80 ) so im very much a newbie!

Ive signed up in the hope get some help and advice on finding more advanced things than the moon with it (lol) which although spectacular at first im getting tired of looking at now! and with my scope apparently I should be able to see the cloud belts on Jupiter, polar ice caps on Mars and the Cassini division on Saturn's ring system.... but ive no idea how

Ive downloaded the stellarium software but still not much help!

Anyway thats me... and hello everyone :hello2:

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:hello2: Hi and welcome to SGL, [removed word].

The cloudbelts on Jupiter are fairly easy but Jupiter's getting quite low in the west now. And it'll take a while for you to get a chance to see Saturn's Cassini Division, because the ring system is closing up at the moment. Mars is nearing the Sun right now, so you'll have to wait a while to see the ice caps, but there's lots of deep sky objects out there. That's the great thing about the night sky.. lots to look at. :p

Btw, have you heard of the Virtual Moon Atlas? It's a free program available for download. The smallest version is great, and will open up worlds of new features you can look for. VMA

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hiya [removed word]

welcome to the wonderful world of Astronomy and the Stargazers Lounge hope your stay here

will both happy and rewarding. As talitha says planetary observation is not at what you might call its best right now. I managed to grab a quick view at saturn this morning but because its rings are almost edge on to us at the moment lacks her usual amazing wow factor . and Jupiter too is very low which makes seeing very difficult but none the less there is still a host of things to see. Anyways once again most welcome to SGL look forward to answering some of your questions and reading some of your future posts

Regards Pete

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Hello and welcome to SGL [removed word] :hello2:

... and the Cassini division on Saturn's ring system.... but ive no idea how... :p

You won't see the Cassini Division as the ring system is virtually edge-on to the Earth at the moment. You won't even see much of Saturn either unless you are either VERY late to bed or VERY early getting up!

Jupiter is getting worse by the day, and is steadily heading towards the evening horizon. Mind you it has been difficult because of its low altitude for most of the year. You should still be able to see the Galilean satellites changing position from night to night though.

Mars is not visible at the moment.

Venus is steadily getting higher and higher in the evening sky, so improving all the time (although the phase is getting smaller as Venus rises). Look SSW to see Venus (& Jupiter) in the evening around 17:00.

Note that a very thin waxing crescent Moon (New Moon is on the 27th), Jupiter and Venus will all be fairly close together in the SSW on 30th November.

Anyway, you've come to the right place for help and advice. Welcome!


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