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M106 Tak Versus Tec/Dark site versus LP site


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Lovely images, forgive me as I am fairly new to mono but is the time taken on each image very different (in favour of the mono) and also the colour camera a lot less sensitive...would that not have a massive effect on top aswell as the light polluted site?

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7 minutes ago, Z3roCool said:

Lovely images, forgive me as I am fairly new to mono but is the time taken on each image very different (in favour of the mono) and also the colour camera a lot less sensitive...would that not have a massive effect on top aswell as the light polluted site?

Indeed, the mono has much more data, but that mainly goes to the noise difference, signal difference in a single sub is also massive ...

I should post that one a green sub compared to green extracted from the OSC



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2 "green" subs compared, I extracted the green pixels from the OSC.

even the 10 min sub is no match for the 5min sub from the FSQ/ASI combi, though they have about the same pixel scale



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Great post, one again demonstrating you cannot beat a good Signal to Noise ratio.

I managed 5.9 hrs of LRGB from a Bortle 4 location, I couldn’t get any hint of colour in the outer region of the galaxy.


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An amazing amount of detail there Yves! I just wonder a bit about the strong yellow. Have not seen that galaxy with such a yellow core before and some of those stars in the lower right corner have a yellow core but white to almost bluish halos around them, which lookss a bit odd to me. Usually, in bright stars the core carrry less colour than the halo.

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