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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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Oh yes, I can see some bands of cloud lit up by the newly risen moon.

Can't see any clouds straight up but there aren't as many stars showing as there sometimes are.

Edited by Gina
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Actually, the focus could be better for the Ha.  Camera lens are not fully apochromatic right into the far red so the focus is slightly different for Ha and SII as compared with OIII. 

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I'm going to stick with it for a while yet.  I don't think it's that much worse than last night and in fact the seeing might be a little better.  I'd like to get some subs of the Moon too, but I need it to be a bit higher yet.


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The [SII] sub I tried was no great shakes. Trying a HII, but TBH I think there's just too much moon. The milky way has been a bit washed out all evening, and now it's disappeared altogether.

Edited by DaveS
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Just called it a night, though the sky is actually probably in better shape now than it's been all evening.  I don't think it's going to be that way for long though.

I stopped for a while around midnight and spent an hour learning my way around Kstars and Ekos by which time it was clear, so I kicked off a quick run on the Moon.  After less than 30 subs really heavy cloud rolled in and I had to stop for about 45 minutes at which point the sky cleared again and I got another set, but I think that was probably the limit of what was achievable this evening.


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I left my rig running and went to bed.  Looks like I captured another 50 OIII subs of Cygnus but haven't looked at all of them yet.  Went out this morning to find the observatory running with dew so I've left the roof open to let it dry off.  Strangely there was no dew on the rain detector though it might have already dried off in the morning sunshine.  Rain detector is not connected yet.

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It must have suddenly got colder during the night.  I left the roof of my observatory closed until about 10pm because there was a heavy dew earlier in the evening, but everything was dry when I called it a night at just after 2am.  Unlike the previous night, when it was very damp.


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Just checked my OIII subs in Blink in PixInsight and there was thin cloud or dew or mist as later subs were rather "washed out".  Oh well, that's the way things go sometimes!  At least I achieved solving and slewing to target (sort of).  At least this software/firmware seems a lot more reliable than the Windows collection I used before and a lot easier to use.

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