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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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Did a little bit on my observatory this evening but the heat today has taken so much out of me that I just didn't have the energy to do much.  Just hoping I can sleep tonight and get up reasonable early tomorrow and get on with it.

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CO is showing a nice few hours of clear sky tonight and for most of it no moon and only a low crescent moon towards the end of the clear spell.  Whether I feel up to doing any imaging remains to be seen - I have been pretty busy working on the observatory and the heat has taken its toll.


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Could be a couple of hours of clear dark sky tonight but I'm not counting on it.  Planning a quiet day today and not expecting to do much.  I need to recover from work on my observatory and the heat of the last few days.

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You get some rest Gina and gather your strength. Clear skies will come and go and there is no point rushing it for a sneaky hour or two. If you're lucky, and as I am writing this the skies are dark and it's raining quite hard :(


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Little chance of any imaging in the next week or so but I'm slowly working on my ROR motor drive and other improvements to the observatory.

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Just finished replacing the downpipe arrangement to take water off the ROR and directed into the next field, away from the observatory.  Photos to follow...

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Sun's out again now.  Taken some photos of the rainwater downpipes.  The specially shaped downpipe from the guttering was 3D printed to get the right amount of offset.  First two photos are with the roof closed and the third with it open so that I could get far enough back from the downpipe.




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Yep, windy with it. Slightly better ATM. Mind you, the rain will have washed a lot of clag out of the air, so if it *does* clear tomorrow we might get some good transparency.

I have unfinished business with the Crescent.

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I agree about transparency.  I too am imaging Cygnus but much wider view including NAN, Sadr Region and Cygnus Loop with 55mm f1.8 lens NB filters and ASI 1600MM-Cool camera.  The Crescent is pretty small in my images.


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CO seems to show there's a chance of clear dark sky tonight but OTOH it also says 11% cloud ATM whereas my view of the sky says more like 90% cloud.  I guess time will tell.  Meanwhile, it looks like rain!

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