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M1 - Just a test - But with unexpected Result


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A few days ago I was carrying out a final test of my setup. I picked M1 because it was in the east and would be visible for a long time. I set the Atik 16HR exposure to 10mins ( good test for guider ) and set the filter wheel to use the H-alpha and the OIII filter. I also asked MaximDL to take 4 images through each filter alternating between Ha and OIII filter.After 90mins or so 8 images had been recorded. Today I decided to process these images. I was very surprised at the result from a 5" scope. I wish now I had carried on with more exposures.

130mm APO at F6 , 4 X 10mins with Ha and OIII , Atik 16HR camera

I think I will have a go with the C9.25 - should produce a larger image with more detail.



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Turned out well john, I fancy trying something similar with my own set up. I like the idea of alternating the filters between subs and ensuring you get a full set of colour for combining. What did you do with your focus, did you leave it fixed or change it for each filter ?


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What did you do with your focus, did you leave it fixed or change it for each filter ?


Hi Mark,

The Astronomik filters are supposed to be parfocal. I used the H-alpha image for the focus and just left the OIII as it was. Both images seem to be in focus.


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Love that one. M1 is fast becoming an obsession with me, those fine details etc. Had a perfect night but just couldnt sort the guiding for it, but the shots that came through were real teasers.

Thats come out really nice, though, like the effect with the different filters.


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