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Jupiter with Asi174MM cooled

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I've had a boiling Summer and imaging wasn't  worth it , if we get a cold front I'll be out there. I happened to get a night where between dipping in the pool and running some planetary  was made achievable without sweating to death. Jupiter 10,330 frame avi  using 10,000 on the 1st image 7-15-18 and 75% of 10,330 on the 2nd with the GRS and the 3rd was the 1st taken with 80% of 10,330 7-15-18 and the 3rd was 7-14-18  and more data to process , yall .  As2 and registax 6 wavelets was used to achieve these. I couldn't get the efw to work in Sharpcap 3 that night do to user error. I wasn't going to post but, it's the only night I've gathered any data this Summer and Jupiter is out of my FOV till Winter. Hopefully , I can try my hand at lrgb next time on this target.


Jupiter 5 7-15-18.jpg

Jupiter1  7-14-18.jpg

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4 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

It may just be my display, but each image looks as if it has a darker ring around the edge of the planet. If it isn't just an artifact of my screen, any idea what is causing that?

"Onion ringing"- it's a processing artefact introduced during wavelet sharpening. It might indicate insufficient gain during the data capture.

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I use an 8 in astrograph/Newtonian f3.9 @800fl and the onion ring could very well be from the wavelets in registax . I'm wondering if I just use AIP4win wavelets if that would give me the same result with the raw frames. It does take away from the image and I've been trying to get rid of it, I did raise the gain while testing to find the sweet spot . It's all in trial and error , finding the sweet spot is proving to be a chore in this heat . I'll run it again and see if it persists , Thank you for the advice on the ringing  . I wonder if the de-noise /de-ringing tool Zakalwe would take that away in reg6?

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