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Secondary spider parts needed


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I am try to fit a secondary support from a Revelation dob to another scope (to be revealed ;) ) and it is a little too small so I am looking for ways of extending the arms but 2 to 3 cm (need to check and measure that though)

Is there a decent place, preferably within the UK to source suitable hardware from? I will need to post a picture up I know and will do that tonight so it is more obvious what I need.

Any ideas in the meantime appreciated.

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I don't know how expensive the Atlantic voyage would be if you bought  from here, but it looks about right:


Personally, (and if I had the tools) I would see if I could get some sheet, then make some curved vanes to reduce star spikes at the same time as getting the secondary to fit.


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Not the cheapest solution but TS does a range of spiders. The cheaper range down the page are €45.00 to €65.00.


BTW the problem with curved vanes is that unless absolutely perfectly shaped they can cause problems and are expensive to make properly which is why commercial newts have straight vanes. 

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I’d use some long thin bolts to do the extension as it doesn’t sound too far. There seem to be a lot of options available in the spider market... quite confusing! I once got a very robust looking one from Gary Wolanski  in Canada.


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