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M1 Crab nebula


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I think it was SteveL who first encouraged me to have a shot at this one, I didn't previously know about it. The first attempt with the little Wo72 just left a little smudge in the centre, so this shot was at f10 with the C9.25, a combination which I am a long way from mastering. Still, I was pleased to get a bit of detail in the crab.

Again this one was taken at kelling, but I cant remember which night, friday or saturday. 350D on C9.25 at prime focus, and fairly heavy handed editing to get the blobby stars down a bit!




(click to enlarge)

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Jeez TJ. Don't get too modest mate, that's an incredibly proficient Crab. Detailed. and well framed, colourful, and an all round splendid outcome.

Kelling has been a turning point in your imaging career I reckon.

Ron. :thumbright:

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A very nice one Tim ,colour is nice ,i like that , detail very good even some faint outer stuff there , i think you are doing just great with the DSLR. must be very satisfying the progress you have made.

But i still say , you would be evil with a ccd under your belt.

:undecided: i,m a right pest are,nt i ehheeheh

But seriously .this is excellent work.

Rog :)

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