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The Sun in Ha, 13 April, 2018


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The Sun in Ha 13 Apr 2018

Reasonably quiet, 3 x small filaments across lower part of disk, 2 groups of prominences on opposite limbs.

The new active region has moved further onto the disk and is showing an associated filament ...

The seeing conditions were better than yesterday
Lunt LS60THa, ZWO ASI1600MM and SharpCap capture software












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23 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

great shots Dave, some lovely action caught mate. im clouded out here in south wales but im powered up just in case theres a gap.  clear skys, charl.


thanks Charl .... I wish you clear skies :) 


23 hours ago, Lowjiber said:

Good shooting, Dave.  The new active region came through well.  Nice Job!

Your full disk has really nice detail and I love the even lighting across the disk.

Keep 'em coming, mate.

Clear Skies


cheers John


23 hours ago, JAO said:

Very nice images, might be relatively quiet, but still engaging.


 yup, even with next to no active regions,  there still good prominences to be had  :)


22 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Nicely done Dave, when I saw this pop up I thought the Sun had come out until I realised it was in OZ.



hahaha   yup :)   

there some weekend days when I just cant do imaging, it's just too freekin hot !!. Summer is refusing to let go and we are still getting days up around 35C and it's just too hot to spend more than a few minutes in,

let alone the 30 mins or so to set up all the gear then do observing and imaging

21 hours ago, Freddie said:

Nice interesting shots, though I see the opposite to Lowjiber as the disk doen't look very evenly lit, which is something you may want to look into.

Hi Freddie

yes, there is a bit of variation still, even after a little bit of processing in LR, but much better than what was captured.

I discovered months ago that brightness of the solar disk varies greatly depending on where it is placed in the Lunt blocking filter view.

I also noticed back then that the central area FOV from the blocking filter ISNT the best place to see the details.

It's easy to move the solar disk around in the FOV and watch the prominences or surface features appear and disappear

As a result, it can be difficult to find a spot in the FOV where the brightness of the disk is reasonably evenly lit and at the same time still see the details


eg ( an extreme example SOOC)   positioning the disk to get best detail on the AR left the other side of the disk seriously over-exposed  .....



then cropped to produce image 2 above ......


14 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Some nice detail despite the challenging conditions.

thanks  :) 



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Wow, that is pretty bad. I can see why the final image wasn't very even given what you are contending with to start.

I don't use a Lunt but I would imagine that is not normal given how bad your above image is with the complete over exposure on the right side. I assume this can't be tuned out on a Lunt?

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