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4 hours ago, Shelster1973 said:

Weird thing...when I put the adapter on the pier, I leveled it off perfectly using my DeWalt torpedo level, yet the bubble on the mount shows it as slightly off....have not tweaked to get the bubble in as trust the other level more.

@Miguel1983 that is one beast of a scope there....

I agree in trusting the external level more.

But really, it isn't all that important, if your polar alignment is good, then it shouldn't matter if the mount it's not perfectly level.

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Hi EQ6ers

My EQ6-R had its first light last night.  Just dabbling so far but got it PAed, at least.

I have a question: how good should I expect the clutches be?  If I tighten the RA clutch on mine (with no scope or counterweights) as tight as is comfortable, I can still turn it by applying quite moderate pressure counter weight shaft.  Is that normal?

My new set up:



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I've tried to do a test to quantify the problem.

This is what I do:

  • install the counter weight extension shaft
  • put one of the weights on the shaft and position it right at the joint between the standard and the extension shaft
  • don't put a scope onto the mount
  • rotate the RA axis so that the shaft is horizontal
  • tighten the RA clutch while supporting the weight shaft

When I then let go of the weight shaft, the RA clutch cannot hold it horizontal and the mount rotates until the shaft is pointing at the ground.

From what you've said, Rob, your mount wouldn't rotate in these conditions.  Is that right?

Does it sound like I have a problem with my clutch?  Or, am I expecting too much from the mount?


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1 hour ago, Dinglem said:

I do find that I have to put quite a bit of pressure on the clutches to lock them solid.

But when you get them locked solid, is your mount then unmovable by hand?  Or, if you did what I'm doing - putting a single weight on the extension shaft and trying to lock the mount in a horizontal position - would it move?

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19 hours ago, ste7e said:

I've tried to do a test to quantify the problem.

This is what I do:

  • install the counter weight extension shaft
  • put one of the weights on the shaft and position it right at the joint between the standard and the extension shaft
  • don't put a scope onto the mount
  • rotate the RA axis so that the shaft is horizontal
  • tighten the RA clutch while supporting the weight shaft

When I then let go of the weight shaft, the RA clutch cannot hold it horizontal and the mount rotates until the shaft is pointing at the ground.

From what you've said, Rob, your mount wouldn't rotate in these conditions.  Is that right?

Does it sound like I have a problem with my clutch?  Or, am I expecting too much from the mount?


Well I think its a pretty extreme test as you should never be that unbalanced, however I just tried it with one weight at the very end of the normal shaft (I don't use the extension) and it holds but only just - a slight push will cause it to move.

I think the acid test is to get everything properly balanced and see if things will slip with a small bit of pressure applied. If it does then you may have a problem that needs addressed.

I am no expert however so it would be good to get other opinions.

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Are you sure it is clutch slip? and not the mount actually turning?

I will try and have a look at mine over the weekend and see what it is like.  Do recall that when I put it to bed after mounting the other week, that it I managed to move it when putting the bungie straps on the cover and the clutches where tightened down then.

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58 minutes ago, Shelster1973 said:

Are you sure it is clutch slip? and not the mount actually turning?

I will try and have a look at mine over the weekend and see what it is like.  Do recall that when I put it to bed after mounting the other week, that it I managed to move it when putting the bungie straps on the cover and the clutches where tightened down then.

You might be right... I'll look to see if that's what's happening

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On 07/06/2018 at 16:35, ste7e said:

I've tried to do a test to quantify the problem.

This is what I do:

  • install the counter weight extension shaft
  • put one of the weights on the shaft and position it right at the joint between the standard and the extension shaft
  • don't put a scope onto the mount
  • rotate the RA axis so that the shaft is horizontal
  • tighten the RA clutch while supporting the weight shaft

When I then let go of the weight shaft, the RA clutch cannot hold it horizontal and the mount rotates until the shaft is pointing at the ground.

From what you've said, Rob, your mount wouldn't rotate in these conditions.  Is that right?

Does it sound like I have a problem with my clutch?  Or, am I expecting too much from the mount?


I have tried this for you too.   I always use the extension shaft and one weight anyway. 

With the shaft horizontal, I tightened the RA clutch.  It can't quite hold the weight unless I go 'gorilla tight'.  It slips a little, but not a lot.  It certainly doesn't end up pointing straight down.  With the RA clutch lever, the difference in 'normal tight' and 'gorilla tight' is a very small movement.


I once noticed on my Dec axis that it slipped a little - it turned out, I hadn't completely fully tightened the clutch and I nudged the scope by accident.  Star alignment ruined and lesson learned.  I always give the clutches a good firm tighten now.

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1 hour ago, Shelster1973 said:


Know that it does not get proper dark now but going to grab some data too as a test to see what it is like

Enjoy!  It's clear here tonight - I might just try and get a few shots aimed at the dumbbell nebula......  I'll see if I can stay awake ?

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1 hour ago, mikey2000 said:

Enjoy!  It's clear here tonight - I might just try and get a few shots aimed at the dumbbell nebula......  I'll see if I can stay awake ?

All packed away with nothing done.  Couds rolled in wile I was waiting.  

This hobby os so frustrating


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On 07/06/2018 at 22:02, ste7e said:

But when you get them locked solid, is your mount then unmovable by hand?  Or, if you did what I'm doing - putting a single weight on the extension shaft and trying to lock the mount in a horizontal position - would it move?

If I tighten my clutches as tight as possible by hand my mount does not move if gently pushed in any direction, to get it any tighter I would have to use a tool and I'm not going to do that, if I'm not careful with tightening them the mount is easily moved when touched which I find annoying.

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I still have some trouble of getting my new EQ6-R (first real mount) polar aligned. There are some pretty good videos on youtube, but they are all about the reticle of EQ5 or EQ6. In EQ6-R the reticle changed significantly as I see and the manual is not made for beginners like me, that's what I feel.

My main problem is how to set up the reticle clock to horizontal? If I had a clue how to make it horizontal, the rest should be easy. Just placing the polaris at the position/"time" the synscan tells me.

Any hints from you?

Thanks in advance!

Clear skies,




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I have a similar question, i've bought the EQ6R-Pro along with two other people in my astronomy club, and we have noticed that my polar scope reticle is not in the same position.

On the foto's you see the position of my reticle RA is in the 0 psition, and DEC at 90 to unblock the polarscope off course.


I'm not sure if this matters, i guess if you put polaris on the suggested spot, you're fine ?



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I'd never looked through mine as I can't see polaris through the polar-scope from my back garden. Just had a look and mine is the same as the picture above. Octans is only visible from the Souther Hemisphere, so Skywatcher have either done away with etching Cassiopeia and the Plough on the Polar-Scope so we in the North just put Polaris in the correct position on the clock. Or they make two different Polar-scopes and we have the wrong ones, but I doubt it, they've just made them simpler.

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From what I remember (which may not be accurate as have slept and drank Apple juice between....) the etchings have gone and all you need to do is royayw it so that 0 is at the top. Then you use an app or similar to show where Polaris should sit on the circle. This is the way I align on my star adventurer. 

Have not used the polarscope on the eq6-r as have the qhy polemaster for setting up on mine 

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Hi everybody, I have my eq6r for almost 8 months used it for AP was wonderful but I'm trying to get it to work EQASCOM , EQMODDLX and I am not able to get a connection I would like some pointers on why this issue happens the error message is connection time out I don't use a serial to usb adapter as I have a serial port on my pc thank you for your help!  

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polarscopes:  Mine's a bit off too.  it seems nicely centered but rotated.   (but the rotation doesn't really bother me).  I use an iphone app called 'PS Align' which has settings for skywatcher polar scopes.  You feed it your lat/long then it shows you where to put Polaris for a rough'n'ready polar alignment. 


The rotation isn't important as I can sort of visualise where 'straight up' is then I can visualise where to put polaris on the circle.  Centering *is* important or else the whole thing won't really work.


You can check centering like this:  Unload the mount (no scope, no weights).  Use the alt/az adjusters to aim the polar scope at a nice bright star.  Release the RA clutch and spin it 90 degrees plus.  If it's centered, the star will stay dead-center.  Mine was close enough, straight out of the packing box. I have no idea how to adjust it if not.

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abdel - sorry I can't help directly.  I use an 'eqdir' usb cable.  Are you connecting directly to the mount or via a serial connection to the syscan handset?  There is a very helpful eqmod yahoo groups support group, run by the eqmod authors.  I urge you to post your problems there...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all!

my brand new EQ6 R Pro arrived today. 

When assembled, I’ve noticed a little bit of play / free movement in the RA axis. Clamps are offcourse fully tightened. Is this normal? How did you experience this? The dec seems ok. 

My old cg5 also has this, but I thought this mount didn’t have this backlash....

See the video, but its hard to see




edit 2: it's normal, I am no longer worried and a proud member of the club! What a stable mount. LOVE IT!


edit: I haven’t started up the mount yet.... out of precaution. But this may actually tighten up the belt when I do? 

Edited by Obi Wan Ken00bi
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Can I join the club? My EQ6-R Pro arrived today, along with a Stellarvue FG50 guide scope which I'll install on my GT81. 

I have an AVX that I really like and unlike some, get good service from. I'll keep it for mainly visual, and grab-n-go service. I may even image with the GT81 on it, but the EQ will definitely get the Edge 8 for AP. Plans are also to use a tandem dovetail saddle and use the GT81 as a guide scope for the Edge.

All I've done so far is unbox the Skywatcher and put it together, stand back and admire it. I've looked through the Synscan manual, looks like there's quite a few differences (none too serious, though) between it and the Nexstar/Starsense HC's and operations. Hope I get a few decent nights this week and weekend, I'm headed to the Green Bank Star Party mid-July, and want to be familiar enough with it so I don't waste half the night setting it up. One of my clubmates bought one of these mounts a couple of months ago and has been doing some fantastic AP with it and a f/7 102 APO. I fell in love with it immediately; he's going to tutor me in its finer points.

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Making he most of this great weather tat is hitting the UK and have managed to get a PA done with my Polemaster and am grabbing some data, just for the heck  of it (bad evil moon)

Have put up my PHD graph below, so that people can see how things are.  The trace is only for 6 mins of guiding.  Target is Salt and Pepper Cluster


To say I am happy with this mount would be an understatement.  Plus, I love the noises it makes when guiding...very funky

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