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This can be a frustrating hobby at times


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So yesterday was the first predicted clear night in I can't remember how long and the last for as long as the forecast runs so got scope out and set up and plugged into new windows 10 laptop bought specifically for the scope control. Thought I'd loaded on everything I needed, first of all wouldn't see the guide camera - took about 30 minutes to track that down to a dodgy usb cable - then wouldn't see the mount .. the drivers for the usb->mount cable not win10 compatible (think I may have since found a solution to that but not sure yet) so dug out the old laptop connected that up and set up - Got it Polar Aligned (sharpcap) so inside, got guiding working and set up SGP with a sequence and set running .. focus routine doing really odd things and wouldn't work ...thought I had it, set it running got 2 or 3 really out of focus subs so back outside to investigate - weight of camera, scope pointing directly up and less than ideal focuser tension the issue - yay now to get running - at which point SGP crashed (which is why I'm moving to WIn10) and then somehow I managed to hit the restart for the laptop rather than just SGP .. and... yes .. 24 updates to install, please do not turn of your computer yadda yadda.... Arrgh .. 4 hours wasted.......and the best I got was an indication of decent PA and decent guiding - this can be a frustrating hobby sometimes !!


Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 21.59.28.png


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Think yourself lucky..3 times on the trot I've got clouded out..first time didn't get past polar aligning..3 rd time I got aligned and then they come from no-where..then the power cable decided to fail on me and ruin my star alignment..would of been hopeless as could see it was only goung to get worst..this astro combined with the weather is testing me atm!!

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Yeah I hear you.. there is so many time i think "why bother" or worse... but than the times when you get results are short bits of time of feeling warm and fuzzy inside.... 

I guess if it was easy, every one would be doing it and coming out with the best results... 

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Without going into a "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch....  but you were lucky.....   

My guidescope fell off the piggyback bracket as I was aligning onto a paving slab from about 5 feet .......   taking the laptop with it .....

No broken glass, but the focuser is spent.   Laptop has a cracked plastic case.  I just bundled everything into a box and found an alternate method to get going.

My NY resolution was to get less angry with myself and the World in general, but that occurence did stretch it..  a good way to start the night.  

Keep the faith.    No swearing in the back garden at midnight !!!

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Heh. I knew that seeing and transparency weren't encouraging tonight, so I resolved to just go practice some drift alignment in the (heavily light-polluted) athletic field a klick away. Looked outside: Clear. Loaded gear into car: Clear. Drove out: Still clear. Unloaded and set up: Clear. Polar aligned: Really clear. Wow, I'm thinking the forecast undersold the night. Did a "sync to target" on Sirius to zero-in the mount. Clear. Focused. Chose a star in the east, pointed at it. Got out the intervalometer, figured out the timing, went to trip the shutter and...fish scales, horizon to horizon. What the HECK!

I did manage to get one exposure, the clouds were thin enough that the sensor could make out the star even if I couldn't. But it wasn't very useful -- either I was doing it wrong, or I am the best polar aligner who ever polared, because I just had one thick line, no DEC drift whatsoever in three minutes. 

I am suspicious of any result indicating that I am a master at something hard at which I'm a newbie, but the clouds REALLY socked in before I could disprove that hypothesis. So...yay me? Until I have other data, I shall consider myself an alignment master.

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Well, spooky cables, weird acting Laptops and softwares, can inject more agony and make the aches swell supernova like.

Many nights  mumble words which cant even express nano bits of my pain aching swell. This is quiet regular thing for the experienced and non i guess.

Clear Sky forecast often makes Stargazers nervous,unble to deicde one target or multiple Targets, and then wind up only with playing PHD or drift alignment. Forget darks and flats .

Dawn is nearing , Galaxies are gone with Nebula, PHD Screen still blinking with a penetrating cling cling melody. SATURATED STAR


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What do you mean sometimes. This addiction hobby is frustrating MOST of the time :BangHead: We must be a masochistic bunch to endure all our suffering. But one good night observing or imaging can instantly take away the frustrations. I've booked my day this year. Some time in October :)


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