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New Canon EOS 1300D


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Hi All,

I got a new Canon EOS 1300D a couple weeks ago and am going to use this as my main AP Camera.

I'm looking for some advise? Can i modify this to take better/different AP photos? Would you recommend one modified and one normal?

Also, if i was to modify, does anyone have any good DIY Guides?

Many Thanks,


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The Nikon would probably be better to mod I think it's got the sensor thats found in a QHY168C and a ASI071MC-COOL which both look like cracking cameras if you live somewhere with low/no light pollution. 


The latest version of APT controls both Nikon and Canon camera's so that's likely to be no longer a deciding factor...  Although finding someone to do the mod might be less straightforward for the Nikon.

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