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Win 10 Creators update

Alien 13

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Well after 14 hrs of downloading (slow connection) and an addition few running the install process I have finally got the update loaded, I do have a few grumbles though.

1. My nice old Intel graphics driver that had a Gamma slider got updated and slider gone :angry5:

2. The control panel for the Nvidia  graphics card has gone, I reloaded the drivers and it came back for a short while and vanished again :angry5:

3. I am a bit OCD about all my desktop icons being in the correct positions and you guessed it they where rearranged randomly, took ages to get them back and I hadn't got an up to date screenshot for guidance :angry5: 

The good news is that all the software I have tried so far still works but I am still expecting some other issues in the coming days.

So how was it for you, any other major issues I need to check for?

Thanks in advance.


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Glad it's not TOO bad Alan.

I did mine and fortunately only took about a little short of an hour overall (very fast fibre).

I've noticed nothing untoward yet other than an identified vulnerability on some specialist software I use on the Surface Pro 4, but I think that's a reasonably easy fix.  Other than that everything is working exactly as it did before.

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Win10 netbook only used for image capturing so haven't updated it since I deleted all the crap that came loaded on it ( if it updates it puts it all back ) and got it working how I wanted it.

This laptop I use for internet is Win8.1 and it keeps randomly rearranging my desktop icons, it even moves some off the edge of the screen so they're not even visible :icon_scratch:


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Thanks for the replies so far, I will keep this update and am working through some of the issues I have, nearly scuppered myself though by downloading a critical Dell update for the "killer wireless" network thing and it stopped my wireless connection from working, took me over an hour to get it back as I couldn't "roll back", it was also not helped with the creator pack removing all system restore points.

I have now got most things back to working ok but have created a new restore point just in case :icon_biggrin: but in hindsight I wish I had created it right after the Win update.


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38 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Alan I feel for you. It has taken me a few days to sort it out. Had to find the original CD drivers and now most things seem to work.

This was my thread a few days ago -


Good to see you overcoming these issues Mark, it is odd that this update in my case left the drivers ok but changed something to stop all the features working. 


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One big problem I have noticed is that shut down and boot up times have almost doubled with my machine, I even get the spinning circles, something that never happened before and I have no idea how to fix it :sad2:


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Just now, Dave Lloyd said:

I'm getting thoroughly fed up with win 10’s control freakery. I think I'll re- install my old win 7 setup on my laptop. Even my old Vista p.c is fuss free compared to win 10.

I do like win 10 a lot but the issues I am having with the Nvidia control panel have realy pushed me to the limit, unfortunately Win 7 is not an option I could or want to take so I guess I must suffer until a fix comes out...


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Well that was easy, although I had what I thought was the latest drivers from Dell it was obvious Windows didn't like them and kept disabling them at every boot. The simple fix was to go into device manager and click "update driver", so off went windows to I know not where and within minutes it had finished, the problem is completely fixed although there is no way it could actually update a 400 Mb driver in a few seconds, I am guessing it found an updated signature or something instead.


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