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...AKA NGC6820. Usually imaged in narrowband for its fine details, here's how this extended nebulosity looks in RGB colour (plus L and Ha.) The Milky Way is developing those nice rich golden colours as it heads down towards Sagittarius and the galactic centre. We're in Vulpecula here, though, near M27.

This was taken with Paul Kummer in June, plus in a run last night, and deserves a second panel above this one to explore the strong signal heading out of shot here. I'll start on that ASAP.

Twin Tak FSQ106 with dual Atik 11000 full frame CCDs on Mesu 200. Baader LRGB filters, 3 nm Astrodon Ha.



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10 minutes ago, Tom OD said:

Another lovely image Olly, and another I m not familiar with. I think the Reds here look great with the Browns form the Milky Way. great job.


That's what I like in the target as well.


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