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Astrokev's ROR - The Build


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59 minutes ago, JamesF said:

Quite a few of those don't need to be done before you start using it, either.


Absolutely. As I say, I should be in and using it this week. I was trying to resist "moving in" before all the tail end jobs are done. The risk is, once I'm in, the final jobs may not get finished. I must resist this!

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Kev, quite a turning point now, able to make use of it, wonderful.
Your build and JamesF amongst others has fed the 'want monster' and I am busy looking at options.
It may take a couple of years to become reality as like JamesF I have a lot of non astro jobs that need my attention too.

Keep on fitting out Kev and soon be done this millenia ?

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2 hours ago, Alan White said:

It may take a couple of years to become reality as like JamesF I have a lot of non astro jobs that need my attention too

You, James and me too. 

I've got loads of non-Astro jobs to do (too many to even list, and some of them very big ones!), I'm just not doing them until the obsy is finished. 

Edited by Astrokev
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1 hour ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

…  but don't rush it too quickly, especially when it comes to the power & connection installations.


Having started my build in July 2017, I think it's pretty clear I don't rush anything ?.

i was talking to my son last night - he was very diplomatic and said I'm just very thorough. Bless him. 

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1 minute ago, Astrokev said:

You, James and me too. 

I've got loads of non-Astro jobs to do (too many to even list), I'm just not doing them until the obsy is finished. 

I'm trying to interleave my other jobs with the observatory build.  My life is less stressful that way (that is, my wife and children don't complain so much about me not doing stuff for them :D

I took me seven years to start mine from deciding I was going to do it though, so there's no need to rush things, Alan :)


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15 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I took me seven years to start mine from deciding I was going to do it though, so there's no need to rush things, Alan :)

That is a relief, I have time to ponder or move in that time.

Is there a somewhere basic plans are available or is it just copy others and make it up as you go?

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4 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Is there a somewhere basic plans are available or is it just copy others and make it up as you go?

I've never seen any plans, so I designed my own.  I think quite a few people have.  If you use Sketchup or something similar and post your ideas I'm sure people will point out anything that may need further consideration.


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4 hours ago, Alan White said:

Is there a somewhere basic plans are available or is it just copy others and make it up as you go?


Dear Sir, we don't copy, we are inspired by other builds ?

Seriously though, like James and Gina, I designed my own using Sketchup. I played with lots of different ideas, but I decided from the start that it would be a ROR, for several reasons. 

I pretty much designed everything in mine before starting, but that's just me. I find it much better to study a 3D model and try to spot and iron-out any design problems before starting work. Some folks prefer to design on the fly.

Inevitably, I cribbed, copied and stole ideas from other builds along the way, but then tweaked or added my own ideas for the details. My basic design was based largely on @yesyes build, which I liked, and the door is almost an exact copy of @RayDdoor, but there's probably loads of other builders stuff in there somewhere.

I'd strongly recommend Sketchup  it really helps you play with ideas and lets you visualise how the final build will look. I posted my Sketchup model further back in the thread. It's fully dimensioned. Feel free to download and do what you want with it if anything in my build inspires you!

As James says, the forum is a great place to post your initial ideas and seek feedback to help you finalise what you want to do.


Edited by Astrokev
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5 hours ago, Alan White said:

Is there a somewhere basic plans are available or is it just copy others and make it up as you go?

I used a pencil, paper and scale rule ?

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13 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Ah the pencil v space pen type scenario,

yes I know its a fiction.

I always sketch out my design as a perspective pencil drawing first, then I mark out the elevations and calculate and quantify from there. All other factors are done as the build progresses, i get a better feel for what's structally needed as the frame goes up in my experience. As far as other factors are concerned sometimes forums overload with far too much hypertheticalism for me.?

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Bit more progress this afternoon after I'd finished the enjoyable weekly food shop -

Cut the last piece of ply to complete the warm room, then took it all up again to cut and fit the insulation, followed by refitting the boards. Just about got it finished before the light disappeared. The top-left corner board is a slightly looser fit along the back wall so that I can easily take it up without having to remove wall panels, if needed. This is where the electrics will come into the obsy and keeping easy access is probably sensible. So, the warm room floor is now complete, bar whatever covering I decide to put on it - probably carpet tiles; I think I have enough left over from my old company factory clearance that may do the job. This is the same company that I was able to get the air-con tube for my pier, so I've done quite well from them!

Next job is to take up the scope room floor and give the underside a quick coat of exterior varnish, just to help stop any rising water vapour from the ground affecting the timber, then screw it down hopefully for the final time. I'll then cut and fit the final piece to neaten around the base of the pier.






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It's a forum mentality thing Kev, you either get it or you don't. The statement wasnt directed at you or anyone else in particular, i was just pointing out to Alan that for me I don't take everyone's opinion as "the rule" desipte how "expert" it's put across. As a whole forums are a great place to learn and progress but for some professionals in this field I have dealt with this year say they can also be somewhere to avoid which when learning or needing help can bamboozle the mind lol its the nature of people i guess. ?

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54 minutes ago, LeeRich said:

It's a forum mentality thing Kev, you either get it or you don't. The statement wasnt directed at you or anyone else in particular, i was just pointing out to Alan that for me I don't take everyone's opinion as "the rule" desipte how "expert" it's put across. As a whole forums are a great place to learn and progress but for some professionals in this field I have dealt with this year say they can also be somewhere to avoid which when learning or needing help can bamboozle the mind lol its the nature of people i guess. ?

"overloaded with hypertheticalism". I must look that up.

Now if you'd said the above the first time, I would have understood what you meant :) . As intelligent people, we ask for views and opinions of others, and then (and this is the important bit), we evaluate the responses based on our best judgement and other relevant experience, and possibly follow up with further independent research, to achieve understanding. Only then do we decide the best way forward. This may be to follow the advice received, or to follow a different course. Taking anyone's opinion as gospel without engaging the grey matter is not how we learn. I would certainly hope that any opinion I may express is carefully considered and challenged, and not taken at face value as being correct (which it often isn't!).  :) 

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Well said, Kev.  Same applies to me.  I'm not always right either.  I just hope my ideas and project write-ups are useful and interesting and sometimes humourous.

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4 minutes ago, Gina said:

Well said, Kev.  Same applies to me.  I'm not always right either.  I just hope my ideas and project write-ups are useful and interesting and sometimes humourous.

Yes, I really enjoyed your build thread. It may even have been longer than mine!

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Agreed.  Particularly for those of us who don't tend to build stuff on this sort of scale on a regular basis I think it's very useful to get feedback from others who have been through the process before.  I think the speed and quality of execution of Lee's observatory makes it quite obvious that he's rather more skilled in this department than some of the rest of us and probably far more able to construct something in his head that is achievable.  I know I can't do that.  Making myself go through the design process with SketchUp helped me enormously and allowed me to see a number of problems that I'd never have thought of until I'd already got it wrong.  (I hope) however I'd never say "This is the way it should be done" to anyone as I've been on the receiving end far too many times when I knew there were alternatives and I find that exceptionally frustrating.  I'm very happy to say "This is the way I did it (or even this is the way I've seen someone else do it), but if someone else's method suits you better or you have other ideas then do what you believe is best for you".


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