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Astrokev's ROR - The Build


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You are close for the structure, the fit out will take some time no doubt,
but you will be under cover and warmer so can crack on inside.

So what wallpaper are you going for?

Edited by Alan White
tpos, see me worms are wrunged up
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5 minutes ago, Astrokev said:

Haha. I thought a nice floral print may go well. ?

I'll leave the wallpaper to @LeeRichI think ?

I sense an air of sarcasm ?? but a blown vinyl works a treat lol ?

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2 minutes ago, LeeRich said:

I sense an air of sarcasm ?? but a blown vinyl works a treat lol ?

Just painted wood panelling will do me I think!

IMO, I'm afraid papering an outside building is risky in the longer term. Just my tuppence worth of course ? 

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1 minute ago, Astrokev said:

Just painted wood panelling will do me I think!

IMO, I'm afraid papering an outside building is risky in the longer term. Just my tuppence worth of course ? 

I thought that Kev, but my warm room is heated 24/7 at 12deg and is sat nicely at 60% humidity so I shouldn't have any issues ? but I will be the first to post if I do so others can know.

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On 23/11/2018 at 20:12, Astrokev said:


Why do you suggest this Ray? I presume it's not just for extra space, so guessing it's due to possible interference?

To be honest I was anticipating having the laptop next to the scope since getting the thing focussed with the lappie in the warm room would be tiresome. But then I saw Lee's idea of having a second screen next to the scope....

Any data cable worth its salt will be sufficiently well shielded that a power cable wont effect it. Just think of the cluster of cables behind most PC's.

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25 minutes ago, Adam J said:

Any data cable worth its salt will be sufficiently well shielded that a power cable wont effect it. Just think of the cluster of cables behind most PC's.

I agree, I think these things can be over thinked if thats a word lol I have a full ring main through my obsy that supplies the pier. I have ran my ancillary cables in a separate conduet but I seriously doubt there will be any interference, they all meet at the pc anyhow like you say Adam and at that point a whole load of 240v and paraphernalia are in super close proximity, if ever there was going to be interference it would be where they all meet wouldn't it ? ? 

But then again what do i know, I'm only a mere shed wallpaperer lol ?

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21 hours ago, LeeRich said:

 they all meet at the pc anyhow like you say Adam and at that point a whole load of 240v and paraphernalia are in super close proximity, if ever there was going to be interference it would be where they all meet wouldn't it ? ? 


As the starter of this discussion I'm obviously no expert, but I recall @RayDsaying it is the distance in which the data and power cables are running next to each other that is key, not how many cables may come together at a single point?

My design is to now keep them separate as that's easy to do and may avoid problems later on.

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Typical. The best weather in a week and I'd agreed to visit some relations-in-law.

Nice time had by all, but by the time I got home the best of the day was over. Still, managed to get the door on for what I hoped was the last time, fitted the handle and gave it a first coat of paint. While it was drying I chiselled out a hole in the frame for the keep.

The light was disappearing fast and the paint was still only half-dry; not surprising as the temp had dropped noticeably and was probably only about 5-6 degrees. Then my lovely daughter helpfully suggested I take the door inside the house to finish drying and give it a second coat.  She obviously has never tried to lift the thing. Well, after much limbering-up and flexing of muscles in preparation for taking the bloomin' thing off (again), that's what I ended up doing.

So, here I am typing this update with a sharp hinge inches from my left eye. Door looks good though. Pictures look patchy as the paint darkens as it dries ?.

Hopefully it'll go up, again, for the final, final time tomorrow ?




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1 hour ago, Astrokev said:

keep them separate as that's easy to do and may avoid problems later on.

I think seperating power from any data cable would be an obvious choice and the distance you and I are traveling as we both look to have the same sort of distance isnt really a concern for running 2 or 3 data cables along side each other in the same conduet, i think Adams point as i only reiterated was running cables near one another poses less problems then where they ultimately meet. It's all very subjective anyhow and depends on many factors but running your power in a dedicated conduet like Ray said is without doubt  the way to go ?

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I have a lockable door. Yay!

Door went on without any problems. Finished fitting the keep so the door now locks - which is more than can be said for my tool shed. Maybe this says something about the risk of burglary in the area I live in - my tool shed of 25 years has never been locked; in fact it doesn't even have a lock, and there's never been any sign of anyone trying to steal anything. Actually, maybe this says more about the quality of my tools than the area crime rate! ?

I'm now pondering. I want to fit a drip bar on the bottom of the door, and on the frame just above the door. Problem is, the space to fix one is quite narrow and I haven't found any commercial bars that will fit as yet. So, as with the rest of the build, maybe I'm just going to have to fabricate something myself, then at least the whole building will be home-made!

The other thing I'm unsure of is whether to fit a baton down the outer edge of the door to cover the gap on the lock side. Difficult to get a true idea of size and scale from the pictures but the gap is 6mm and the lock bolt is fairly visible. I'm wondering whether this may invite someone to "have a go" and either try and prize the lock open at this point, or cut through the bolt. Instead of a full-length wooden baton, I've considered whether to fit a steel plate just over the gap in the centre to cover the lock area. It's very easy to over-think these things sometimes. As always, I'd be interested in views of others.

These points aside, I just need to fit internal stops and the door is finished. Now time to get-on with getting the base and floor sorted.




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Looking good.
I would put a full length cover of baton or metal over that 6mm gap myself, security screws holding it on.
Don't forget to paint behind that keep and raw edge.
That colour looks really nice indeed.

I had to laugh, I misread the baton fitting initially and thought it said bathroom.
Thought, hell yeah, why not, then pondered and thought, hell yeah, why not indeed, a loo is so needed in the cold.

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My thoughts were to make the observatory just a slightly tatty garden shed albeit with a strange roof.  Goes with the tatty appearance of my property generally ?

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Looks very good :)

Not sure about a drip bar, myself.  It will limit how far the door will open whereas at the moment you could have it wide open folded back against the wall.  I'd have thought a standard one would work if fixed all the way through the door though?  The gaps behind left by the cladding could probably be filled with some sealant to stop water running down the back.

An alternative might be to use a drip bar for a UPVC door.  They're usually quite small.


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I used a pretty slimline aluminium strip at the bottom of mine.  Been through a few downpours now and not let anything in. I don't have anything at the top, but it is under an overhang, so probably not going to be subject to the same battering as yours.

The gap at 6mm is a reasonable size, and I suspect a good tug with a crowbar would pop that in no time.  I'd go for the metal strip just to prevent that being an easy option.



Edited by RayD
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