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Saturn and Jupiter 13th June


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Here is an image of Jupiter taken under poor to average seeing. It's didn't improve for low down Saturn later. What I have done is to show the difference between an IR 742 image and a colour image both taken with the ZWO ASI 224MC camera. I then combined the two with the IR as a luminosity layer for the colour image to make the IRC image. This maybe the only way with Saturn from the UK this year.



Saturn 2017-06-13-2347_PE.jpg

Saturn 2017-06-13-2355-IR_PE.jpg

Saturn 2017-06-13-2355-IRC_PE.jpg

Jupiter 2017-06-13-2029_PE.jpg

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What a fine way Saturn presents itself with rings so open, pity it is sitting at less than minus 21 degrees. Nevertheless, you have a lovely image 
of the ringed wonder, and your Jupiter too is quite splendid.
Great to see we have members producing excellent planetary images like these.
Well Done Peter.



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Thanks everyone.

Sean, We normally use an IR/UV blocking filter in front of the colour camera. The IR image was taken by swapping that filter for an IR pass filter which lets a narrow band around 742nm through.

The longer wavelengths are not so affected by the atmospheric turbulence on the way through hence a clearer image.


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