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Excellent seeing conditions here at the moment


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I was not expecting any observing tonight but while there is some very thin hazy cloud about, the seeing conditions are really good this evening. I put the Tak 100 out and it's just the tool for tonights conditions.

I have been ticking off some nice double stars in Leo and Virgo waiting for Jupiter and now it's visible the clarity is quite spectacular even with just a 10cm aperture. Hopefully these conditions will pertain until the Great Red Spot comes into view a little later on. Very sharp Jovian views at 180x and even 257x makes a welcome change :icon_biggrin:

Only problem is that I've a streaming cold but I'm not going to let that stop me :rolleyes2:

Some fresh night air must be doing me some good !

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The sky was hazy but now just cloudy. I was lucky to get 10 minutes of clear sky with total lack of wind. Half hollow was detectable to the left of the GRS (the side facing Jupiter centre). The South polar region was also quite distinct. 

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Just returned from a Jupiter observing session, in which I trekked to my allotment with my TV76. Similar conditions, thin haze and the seeing was good. I planned to use my new 4mm DeLite for which it was highly engaging, it remained in the scope for the duration thereafter. Appeared to be a couple of barges in the North and South Equatorial belt, the polar regions were a pleasing tone and the GRS just detectable. Only completed due to becoming a bit too cold in a NW breeze and my allotment shed not making the best of being a warm room.

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Good to get some nice views John. I've done pretty badly on Jupiter this year but left the Tak out after my solar session yesterday and had a quick half hour at around 9.30.

Seeing was all over the place, sometimes looking like Jupiter was under a stream of water but at others actually very good and stable for decent periods. Was using x148 mainly and enjoyed the views :)

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I had best part of an hour's viewing after 23:00, but the seeing was like Stu's - definitely not the best. Then towards midnight, the cloud/haze descended and Jupiter became a faint fuzzy disk. Quite a nice view of the GRS for a bit though. Good luck with the cold John - I had "the family cold" a couple of weeks back and annoyingly there were a couple of nice clear evenings where I reluctantly thought bed and Shiraz were a better bet than getting pneumonia.....


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