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The Stargazer's Notebook


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After wanting to start a good log book for astronomy of any interesting observations etc that I make, and wanting also to start to sketch some of the things I see through my scopes, I looked for a astronomer's notebook to help me do this. I found this from Amazon by Paul Abel, however as I really didn't know what the contents was  actually like, I got a new copy from another seller listed on Amazon for just £3.78 which included the price of postage too. It arrived this morning in good condition, with just a small imprint on the cover where something has pressed into it, but this is a small niggle as you can only see it close up really. If I had paid the full price wanted by Amazon I would have requested a replacement no doubt, but as it is I can live with it.

I'v added a few images of the contents and the report pages for anyone who might be interested in one too. :) 



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That's rather nice isn't it?  I like the hard back format - things get so damp when I'm outside.  I got a large spiral bound plain page hard back note book for my notes, but I must admit I haven't done any writing whilst outside in it yet, somehow writing in the dark, even with a red light, isn't easy. 

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10 minutes ago, JOC said:

That's rather nice isn't it?  I like the hard back format - things get so damp when I'm outside.  I got a large spiral bound plain page hard back note book for my notes, but I must admit I haven't done any writing whilst outside in it yet, somehow writing in the dark, even with a red light, isn't easy. 

I plan on copying the pages for the sketches and notes etc onto A4 paper, then transfer the notes and sketch when back inside. That way the book shouldn't get damp or bent too much. :) 

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