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Finally some decent Jupiter seeing..


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Hi all,

Finally after quite a while I had some decent seeing. After imaging the Carina nebula I had a quick look at Jupiter and I saw detail within detail on it. The view through the 8SE at 406X was stable, crisp and detailed, I had to image it. The view in the 14" SW was something else, especially at 500X, simply breathtakingly wow, but I'll write about it in the observing section.

This was imaged with my 8SE using a Skyris 618C camera, but this time after experimenting with the placement of the Barlow order, I found that I captured most detail with the flip mirror between the 2X Barlow and the camera (first image). The 3X Barlow was ok, but started to soften the image (second image). The 2X Barlow in this arrangement gave me a bigger disc and more detail than with the 3X Barlow attached directly to the camera past the flip mirror.

Lastly in the third image I experimented with combining the 2X and 3X barlows, just for laughs...huge image scale but equally as soft.

The Ganymede and Io were captured and processed separately.


Thanks for looking, clear skies.






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The first image is very nicely done, some nice detail visible. The 2nd on first look seemed a much sharper detail image to me, but there does seem to be some odd stacking/processing artefacts visible. Particularly around the GRS, I think it would definitely be worth another go at the data. :icon_biggrin:

Always worth experimenting with different focal lengths, nothing ventured nothing gained!

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7 hours ago, bunnygod1 said:

The first image is very nicely done, some nice detail visible. The 2nd on first look seemed a much sharper detail image to me, but there does seem to be some odd stacking/processing artefacts visible. Particularly around the GRS, I think it would definitely be worth another go at the data. :icon_biggrin:

Always worth experimenting with different focal lengths, nothing ventured nothing gained!

I figured that the artifacts was due to over cooking the image... But why not, I'll try playing with the data, see what develops.

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6 hours ago, kev said:

Detail on the rhs moon

Hello Kev, surprised me too, to actually get a whisp of shading on Ganymede using a 8" scope is amazing. While capturing the data, Ganymede was a solid disc for most of the frames so a still transparent sky helped.

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2 hours ago, Grotemobile said:

Wow. That is some  image U have got there.

Especially the detail on the moon.:thumbsup:

Thanks... Yeah, I'm stoked with the detail on Ganymede almost more than with detail in Jupiters atmosphere.

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