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Hello everyone, I am a bit of a newbie to astromony.  Thought I would have an interest in my retirement.  I have recently built the EagleMoss Solar Systemwith no problems and thought I would carry on to build the Earth, Moon and Sun Orbiter also.

However, while in the process of this I have found a problem- two gears mounted on the central column are too large to mesh with the gears on the central shaft.  Since these models started way back in 2008?? it is possible there have been design changes and/or manufacturerer changes, I am only guessing.  If there have been major changes it is possible I have parts from before and after. All I know is I have reached an impasse.

I am interested to know if anyone else has had any issues with the Tellurion.

Best wishes to all and many thanks in advance of any hellp.

Part 62 overlapping 33.jpg

Part 58 overlapping 28.jpg

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I've not got the sun/earth one but when I was building the solar system I had no end of problems with wrong parts supplied and issues not turning up that there was a couple times that I came to a grinding halt. Although luckily I also recieved so many duplicate parts and issues that I usually had something lying around that would fit. Only thing I would advise is to check that the bit that is wrong  is the size that it should be by counting the teeth and comparing that to what the magazine says it should be. I did come across this problem with the orrary and found this was the root of it. 

Love the orrary to bits but will be keeping well clear of eagle moss in future.

Hope this helps and good luck!


Edited by popeye85
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Thank you for your reply young sir, my sentiments exactlly.  Their sale service is non existent, they pump these products on TV and national media etc., but the after sales service is under resourced after the product has been over hyped.  It's ironic that the products-Solar System and Tellurion are fundamentally good. I have been measuring the diameter of the three 91 teeth gears and counting the teeth, the same with the 160 and 22 teeth gears.  I have a feeling they have changed manufacturers in mid stream and I have parts from both--just a guess.

I have called custtomer service 4 times, the last time today, I was told the techie guy would call me between 2 and 3pm, so I planned my day around it-needless to say no call.

I shall attempt to complete the Tellurion and then give them a wide berth there after.

Have a good day


Edited by BALDEAGLE40
I did not complete the last sentence.
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Hi again to anyone who is constructing either the Orrewry or the Tellurion from Eaglemoss.  Further to my post above I finally got through to the techie guy at Eaglemoss. It did take 4 or 5 attempts though.   After a brief discussion and he viewed the photos I sent in he sent me another Earth arm.  After some very gentle filing of one of the gears and some vaseline all seems good.  Persistence pays off.  Happy days.

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I built the orrery see my avatar the problems I had was getting the magazine from the supplier to my newsagent I had to wait 20 weeks to get a magazine to finish it of

and one of the planet support arms was missing so I had to buy some 3mm brass bar from eBay drill a hole in one end bend it and cut it to length has you all never again

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  • 2 months later...
On ‎21‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 21:55, gtis said:

I built the orrery see my avatar the problems I had was getting the magazine from the supplier to my newsagent I had to wait 20 weeks to get a magazine to finish it of

How loud have you found the model to be?

Mine is pretty loud-in fact tbh I have it switched of 90% of the time as It is just too much of a distraction. Not sure If I have done something wrong or it is just normal.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi All, so glad I found this! I am coming to the end of building the tellurion and have a problem with meshing the gears at the end on the Earth-Moon arm, I cannot get them close enough to mesh reliably. The problem seems to be that the heavy arm that extends out from the base to hold the Earth/Moon sags down, when I lift it the gears mesh ok. It seems there is too much play in the shaft on the left of the second picture above.

Any ideas, anyone? I have tried loosening grubscrews, squeezing everything together and retightening, this improved things a bit but not entirely.



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Paging Gina - I think your expertise if required judging by the pictures above! LOL

Seriously, I bet Gina can help - check out her 3D printed long case clock thread


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  • 5 years later...

I am having difficulty connecting the 158 tooth gear (directly under the sun) with the adjacent 24 tooth gear. The 158  gear sits higher than the 24 gear. I have adjusted grub screws on the sun pillar but to no avail. Advice appreciated and pic attached 


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