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broken bahtinov

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Damaged by inadequate packaging during shipping. When placed on the telescope, it distorts and the centre spike line -the one you have to get in the centre- is bent. I've tried glue and tape but nada. It's a cheap plastic AliExpress type. They're sending another but with Chinese new year, it's unlikely to arrive before June! It seems that even the slightest of distortion is enough to mess up the star spikes. Any ideas? TIA.


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Airfix glue.  UHU will work, use it sparingly so that you have enough for it to attach and secure the joint.  After that, use a nail file to remove the excess on so that the corners stay nice and sharp.  you only need to do that bit between the blades, to allow a clean light path.

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Blimmey, how long does the Chinese new year go on for, ( please don't say a year :) )

That's not very good service,

Can you use just one side of the star to focus, ignore the curved side ? just to get you by.


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6 hours ago, alacant said:

+1. Although in this case it looks well made, had I chosen the aluminium version I'm sure it would have survived the journey even given the poor packaging.  

Yes - it's not so much the quality of the products but the state in which they arrive!

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13 hours ago, alacant said:

Damaged by inadequate packaging during shipping 

They're sending another but with Chinese new year,

Argh, how aggravating for you ! Meanwhile, while you are waiting for next year to arrive, have you thought of ( , I dont want to teach eggs but, ) trying a Y mask :) easy to make.

Keep you out of mischief - and when the new one arrives you will be able to tell us which works better  :)

Perhaps though you have already tried a Y and that is why you are  waiting to get a Bahtinov :D ! in which case ignore me and I'll get my coat :)



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