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Observing Orion.


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Betelgeuse rises followed by the whole of Orion. Notice that Alnitak , end belt star always rises due east , should you be lost. Famed for the great nebula M42 there are many other attractions here, even for small aperture.

The shape that we see is composed of stars differing by many light years away . ( see below, white drawing).

Stars. (D indicates a drawing below)
Betelgeuse (α), obviously reddish by eye, large enough to fill the orbit of Mars. Find the wide companion +11 at 176.4″.
Rigel (β), a +6.8 companion at 9.4″.A tiny companion in the glow.
Mintaka (δ), a complex multiple , a companion +6.8 at 52.8″.Really beautiful sight.
Meissa (λ),a quadruple treat set in the open cluster Cr69 ( “Aunt Margaret’s mirror”)(D)
Rho Orionis (ρ),SAO 112528 at 7.1″ its a lovely tangerine and blue pair. RA 05h13.3m. DEC +02 52′.
Iota + Σ747, SAO 132323, a yellow 11.3″ pair contrasting with a 36″ pair in the 102. RA 05h35.4m. DEC -05 55′, both in fov.
Trapezium (θ), quadruple group set in M42. Good skies will give a fifth “E “star and even the difficult sixth “F” star.
Sigma (σ) Orionis, lovely “fish hook ” triple , drop down from Alnitak.(D). SAO 132406 RA 05h387.7m. DEC -02 35′.
Tau (τ)Orionis, orange and blue violet triple, delicate at 33.7″ and 35.9″ separations.SAO 131952. RA 05h17.6m. DEC -06 05′.

Alnitak (ξ) Zeta Orionis, lovely triple in the 102.(D)
Psi(ψ) 2 Orionis,SAO 112775, at 2.9″, just glimpses of the faint companion at x200.
33 Orionis,SAO 112861, bright and very close at 1.9″ .
52 Orionis, SAO 113150, pair of +6 twins.
59 Orionis, SAO 113315, RA 05h58.4m. DEC +01 50′. 36.5″ averted separation of +10.4″ companion.
S509 } double double in the fov with Σ877 in the 102. RA 06h14.3m . DEC +14 30′.
Σ700 at 4.9″ , pair of close twins at RA05h23.1m. DEC +01 03′.
Σ750, set in the cluster NGC 1982 (D).RA 05h35m. DEC -04 42′.
Σ788}triple.(D)with Σ789 in the fov. RA 05h44.7m. DEC +03 50′
Σ848 on the edge of NGC 2169, 2.3″ , find this at the top of the “3” in the cluster.(D)
Σ855, triple in the 102.(D). RA 06h09.0m. DEC +02 30′.


Open clusters.
NGC 1981, NGC 2141,NGC 2186,NGC 2194 and a favourite , NGC 2169 with the figure “37” in stars.


A UHC filter with aperture over 4″ will show many of these in dark skies. M42 shows a green colour without a filter , dark skies show find tendrils over a large area. Quite remarkable for a naked eye target. Beautiful in binoculars, a dark site brings out tendrils and extensive nebulosity.
M42, M43,NGC 1788,IC 423,NGC 1977,NGC 1980,NGC 1990,NGC 1999 ( “rubber stamp nebula”),IC426,NGC 2163, IC430,IC432,IC434( includes the “Horse Head”),NGC 2023,NGC 2024(flame nebula”),IC435,M78( reflection nebula. Comet like),NGC 2071,NGC 2174-75 (+6.9, the lovely bright “monkey head nebula” high up near Gemini).
The large “Horse Head” requires a Hβ filter, darkest skies and a minimum of 10″aperture. It’s 8’x6′ at RA 05h40m59s. DEC -2 27’30”.IMG_4338.JPGIMG_4339.JPGIMG_4341.JPGIMG_4342.JPGIMG_4343.JPGIMG_4345.JPG

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Lovely stuff Nick.

The 37 Cluster is a favourite, I love the little Double at the top of the 3.

Sigma Orionis is another favourite, particularly getting the tiny fourth star in the line. Great stuff.

Happy Christmas!

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Got the surprise of a clear sky last night so I quickly went out carrying as much of your report in my head as I could.Next time I'll plan properly. It was very windy but it was great to have some new targets. Thanks again. I especially liked sigma orionis.

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