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Emergency "release your weather woes" thread!


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... Dont try and tell me "typical British summer" ..

The problem is Matt, that this weather is well within expected norms for this time of year. Yes, it's wet and cloudy and not as warm as average for this time of year. I'm afraid with global warming we can expect to get wetter summers. :D :D :D :D :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds1::clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2:

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I also have a 1200 Suzuki Bandit, guess what, less then 1000 miles this summer due to the :D weather.

If the weather gods are seeing this thread then we'd all appriciate a bit of a break and give us clear skies this winter............. :D:clouds1: :clouds1: :D :D , please !!!!


You and me both mate, I'm seriously thinking about starting a new hobby that the weather can't knack, in the few months I've had my RC8, I have only managed to put 325 miles on the clock :crybaby: , if the weather gods are reading this thread :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: .

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Newt Owners....

Anyone for an SGL Apple/Pumpkin Canon competition? I'll bring the fuses... Furthest projectile wins. 6" + for Apples, 10" + only for Pumpkins Im afraid :D . Bern, we have special sized pumpkins for you!

One rule, take your primary mirrors out first of course just incase the weather does actually change and are hobby has some hope.


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I spent the last 2 weeks on the West Coast of France (I'll do a report sometime soon). I lugged my 10" LX200 with me hoping for many nights of perfect viewing. In truth, there were only about 5 days out of 14 when I could have used it - and I used 4 of them. One day I ended up dismantling the scope at about 5am in my underpants because I woke up to the sound of rain and realised I'd left the scope up outside!

Very annoying indeed!

Now I've come home to blighty and it looks dreadful!

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BBC weather isn't much use at the moment. I have to say that the low temperature moist summer is one I can get to like if the alternative is the 'gates of hell' >35degree alternative!

Grey for as long as I can rememebr in London, even the little breaks in the cloud are grey. I can forgive it a bit... I did see 5mins of the eclipse last week (before the rain rolled in), if I get a clear slot in the next couple of days and we get a clear lunar eclipse next week then I won't feel too bad. I usually give up trying to observe over the summer as I don't do late nights too often! Roll on the return to GMT (or better still, year round GMT?!)



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I know what you mean guys this weather is Rubbish for astronomy , my solution was to find something you CAN do when the weathers Rubbish!

I have just been windsurfing (sat 9) first time out in six weeks due to a spell in hospital.

It was raining and blowing around 28 knots , i can honestly say i was happy as a pig in **** , now just need the skys to clear so i can have a sit down.

Just an idea!!

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Just come back from two weeks in south-central France (with scope) and I have never seen such clear skies. Beautiful Milky-Way, andromeda galaxy clearly visible with naked eye and in fact didn't recognise easy constellations like Cassiopiea because there were just too many stars!

Then driving north we hit the cloud in northern France and it has been miserable, cloudy and rainy ever since. I think it's that awful cycle of air picking up moisture from the Atlantic, dumping it on Britain and France, then swirling around and doing it again and again - like a washing machine.


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I wonder if someday someone will invent a backyard laser which you can use to 'melt' the clouds away in the direction you want to look in.

OK, I know, madness ... but in my defence, it's not like I've had much time to do anything useful with my scope recently is it?!


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I wonder if someday someone will invent a backyard laser which you can use to 'melt' the clouds away in the direction you want to look in.

OK, I know, madness ... but in my defence, it's not like I've had much time to do anything useful with my scope recently is it?!


:hello2::clouds1: I was thinking this exact same thing the other day and wondering how I could mount it on the scope - Mrs LB then suggested that I would get in a lot of trouble if I not only burned a hole in the clouds but also in aircraft flying past (we get quite a few of them).

oh well....

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