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Looking for a new DSO cooled ccd camera for 8 in newt.

stepping beyond

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I've been miserable since the old DSI lll color malfunctioned. In the meantime , I've been depressed due to the clear cooler and low humidity nights.  So,  I'm looking to get a CCD just for deep sky imaging with an 8 in. Newtonian @ f3.9 and 800 fl  and I've got a Paracorr t2 , there are so many and I would like some advice? I've got some in mind but, ya'll comments are so helpful. Asi174MM, Qhy174mc . These are something I thought would be a good fit for my optics anymore cameras and why ?  My CNA put the limit @  between  $800-$1000. I'm handicapped and the easier to use the better and it's got to be able to fit an orion 5 filter fw.

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I think you are pretty spot on with your chip choice. I'd go for one of the cooled versions for DSO work and I would also have a look at the smaller pixelled 178 as well, as you can bin for DSO and also use as a high res planetary cam with the 8" too. For that cash, you might find a second hand 8300 chip as well which is considerably bigger, but you may have to crop due to vignetting anyway with the Orion filter wheel

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Thank you Matt , I've been researching , since my DSI lll color is near death @ the drs. trying to revive it . I've been trying to get my mind around what I should look for in a DS cooled camera . You say the Asi 178 cooled , would that give me larger pixels ?  larger galaxies such as  m31 or even m33  would I have to do a mosaic to get the whole galaxy?  I had a looksee @ your site and let me say very impressive. My biggest problem is getting the filterwheel  and cam configuration just right and balanced. SB

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Well, I think (based on nothing but the vacuum between my ears) that the QHY sounds like it might be the better of the two. It mentions a heater for the sensor and lens. And has no fan. Might be an advantage, less parts.

Hopefully those more astute in such things can clarify stats between the two.


Both are Monochrome, both cooled. Red, or Black?

One thing holds me back about CMOS cameras. The time limit on the exposures.

ASI states 1000s, QHY doesn't mention a time limit.

My CCD is unlimited. I've run it out to 5K + seconds on a single exposure. But typically stay at 1800s or less.

I admit I'm an odd duck doing my OSC long shots.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sonny, you're a trip ! I considered the G3 but, lots of problems posted about those cameras . Have you had any problems with the software or the camera itself? The zwo has over 1" sensor and 78% QE and my Levenhuk T510NG is a 1/2.5" cmos it'll do bright dso's . I need  mono and speed speed for lucky imaging in my LP skies.

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On 12/17/2016 at 14:42, stepping beyond said:

Sonny, you're a trip ! I considered the G3 but, lots of problems posted about those cameras . Have you had any problems with the software or the camera itself? The zwo has over 1" sensor and 78% QE and my Levenhuk T510NG is a 1/2.5" cmos it'll do bright dso's . I need  mono and speed speed for lucky imaging in my LP skies.

Sorry I didn't see this sooner Ronnie....

1. First G3 was DOA. I tried and tried to figure out what I missed about the fan running. But the fan never ran. One call and the Tech on the phone said, "Wait, the fan doesn't run?" And they sent me a brand new camera with a return PP label for the defunct unit. All I kept was the new camera and returned the rest of the new cords and stuff.

2. I tried for months and months to get a picture out of G3 II. Best I could do was about 1/2 a picture. Every other line seemed to be dark. Like 1/2 the sensors were dead (Every other row). Finally wrote Orion and returned G3 II. They promptly sent a replacement.

3. So far, so good. G3 #III is alive and doing... ok. I have progressed in my ratty skills, and now able to get some decent focus, I am reaching happy... finally. But the advertised imaging prowess of this stuff is... crap. One has to climb the learning curve with each part and piece. It's maddening I tell you!

Initially, I realized the FOV was just too tight. I went through hell trying 3 Focal Reducers. The last was one Orion offers specifically for the G3 camera. It screws right in the cameras nose and that is the correct back-focus for it. Nothing else required. I think it should be included. It's like buying a car that has a radio in it, then they make you figure out you need to buy the antenna for that car and that radio. :angry:

In a world where cell phones are out of date by the time you buy it, this telescope stuff is back at Windoze Vista in it's intuitiveness (Maybe XP...). My AVX mount came with an ST4 to 9-pin serial adapter cord.... Hello, neither of my computers has a 9 pin socket, and my stuff is OLD. Celestron sent me a free adapter cord, but sorry, it did not get me out of their hair.

Anyway, sorry to say, I don't think I can recommend the G3 as an option. It works, but I kind of think there might be better DS cameras available for the price range. The Orion Camera Studio software does have some interesting and cool features.

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