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M27 reprocessing my first AP data


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The sky is still gray so I have played around a bit with some of my first data from when I started AP 1.5 years ago to try a Photoshop plug-in filter. Then (April 2015 ) I took 5 subs of 2 min (ISO1600 with Canon 60Da) with my Celestron Edge HD 8" on a NEQ6, and I had not got guiding going yet so the stars were trailing (as you can see in the sub below the final image). The plug-in filter is called Focus Magic, which is a deconvolution filter that can do two things: reduce focus blur and reduce motion blur. Here I used it to take away the star trailing using motion blur deconvolution on each sub in PS. I then stacked them in Nebulosity and finally processed it in PS. I think the result is not too bad considering this is only 10 min of data.

Here is where you can try out Focus Magic: (sadly you can only use it 10 times unless you pay them 65 USD, which I probably end up doing): 




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