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Sh2-129 The Flying Bat Nebula and OU4 The Sqid Nebula

Dave Smith

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The last two nights have been clear and having managed to capture the Soap Bubble I thought I would try another elusive object. This is Sh2-129 the Flying Bat Nebula in the constellation of Cepheus which is quite faint. However in the same region is the recently discovered (2012) OU4 The Squid Nebula which is exceedingly faint and in OIII only. The image consists of 16 x 900s in both Ha and OIII taken through a Canon f2.8 200mm lens with an Atik 460EX CCD camera. I think I need to do this again but with even longer sub exposures (maybe 30 mins) but I'm not sure that I have the patience.



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Many thanks Chris, Dark Horizon, Tom, Geordie and Dave.

2 hours ago, geordie85 said:

Very nice capture Dave. I'm currently working on trying to image this myself. I'll post the results if I ever get it finished. 

I look forward to seeing it.



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1 hour ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Solid start Dave - the content is there now its all about the data, looks like the processing will be just fine once available.


Thanks Paddy. I can't say I look forward to waiting for sufficient clear skies to do it justice - hey ho!


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Thanks Barry. I'm not sure that with UK weather I could find enough time to do it real justice. I have seen a version that had 35 x 1 hour subs. That would take a life time!!!

I may try to get another 4 hours of OIII if the clouds stay away.


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