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new to planetary imaging, need help

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You ideally need at least an RA motor to get anything worth shouting about. The Phillips SPC is a simple, cheap and ideal first step in to webcam imaging. The asi-120mc is a step up and will offer better results. Both require you to track the object and once a number of frames have been captured you then stack and process them in various freeware software programs like Registax, GIMP etc. You will soon find though processing is key to achieving any good results.

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If you're interested in planetary imaging, may I also offer an alternative suggestion?

Celestron SLT mounts often sell for under £100 on eBay, these have go to and tracking and perfect for planetary imaging, and for visual use. If you want to get into astrophotography proper you'll be told you'll need a better mount  than the eq5 anyway.

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I will take a different approach to this thread and ask what planets you propose to image. Over the next few years the major contenders for imaging are poorly placed in UK skies. You could concentrate on Lunar imaging in which case a mono camera is fine or upgrade your mount and tackle DSO imaging. I would hate for you to invest and then struggle to find a decent target.

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ok thanks for the great answers. I inherited my telescope several years ago and I attended an Open Evening at a local observatory recently which fired me up. All I know is that I had no idea about any of this and it's incredible. Unfortunately my wife doesn't share the same passion so I'm better off buying the good stuff from the start otherwise the second time I try this I'll get an ear bending. So before I get started I need to fit a dual axis motor? I have a Sky Watcher 200/1000 on an EQ5 mount.



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