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Sun White Light, ST80 with solar film


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Was looking pretty cloudy earlier today and i didn't think it would be worth bothering with the Lunt,  but i thought i would try and capture something between the clouds. I had some baader solar film so stuck it to the rear of the ST80 front lens cover and removed the small cap in the middle. 

Stuck it on the Star Adventurer and pointed it north. 

during a break in the clouds i captured around 180 frames.

Stacked them in registax and played with colour and saturation in Photos, also cropped to increase image scale, on my macbook.

Thanks for looking.

Sun 250916 wl.jpg


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Thanks for the comments everyone. I like the simplicity of using the ST80 on the star adventurer with my DSLR. I would really love to be able to do the same with my Lunt LS35, can anyone tell me if it is possible? The lunt has a helical focuser so thats one issue i guess, but is there a way to attach my DSLR and achieve focus to be able to get a full disk shot??



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