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Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC 6992/5)


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Eastern Veil Nebula. NGC 6992/5


Right ascension:       20h 45m 38.8s

Declination :               +30° 42' 30"

Apparent mag:          7.0

Constellation:            Cygnus 

Designations:  NGC 6960, 6992, 6995, 6974, 6979, IC 1340, Cygnus Loop, Cirrus Nebula, Filamentary Nebula, Witch's broom(NGC 6960),Caldwell 33/34.


The Veil Nebula is a cloud of heated and ionised gas and dust in constellation Cygnus. 

The source supernova exploded circa 3,000 BC to 6,000 BC,and the remnants have since expanded to cover an area roughly 3 degrees in diameter. 

The nebula was discovered on 1784 September 5 by William Herscel ( Wikipedia ).


Scope : Dob 250mm S/W   F.L.1200/f4.7

Eyepiece : T/S 2"  plossl 30mm   F.O.V.70°

Filter of type : OIII 

Location : Mammari 


Kind Regards 



NGC 6992 Eastern Veil Nebula.jpg

NGC 6992.jpg



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