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Paramount MX+ opinions sought


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I am in the market for a better mount and having done the usual research, I have shortlisted the Paramount MX+ as a potential candidate.  I currently have a CGEM so this would be a significant upgrade.  My CGEM has ben very reliable over the 5 or so years that I have had this but I have now upgraded my optics and now use a QSI camera which have all added weight.  The CGEM is rated at around 19Kg and I estimate that I am currently running at 22Kg give or take a couple.  As expected, the mount is struggling to guide for much more than 3-5 minutes before star trailing and I would really like to push this further to 20mins or so.

I considered the paramount MYT but I would already be at the limit of this mount hence the MX+

many posts on the forums relate to problems being encountered and assistance in resolving these.  Likewise, the Software Bisque forum also appears to follow this same approach, which is totally understandable.

What I was wondering is what users of these mounts think about their equipment.  Are they reliable?  Do they need to be serviced regularly - if so how often and how difficult is it?

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Having gone through this process a year ago my short list back then consisted of the MX+ and 10-Micron GM2000HPS-II. In the end I went for the 10-Micron and I'm so glad I did, definitely the more capable mount. Price-wise not so different, a little more expensive now due to exchange rates but still worth it.


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I have the earlier version of the MX without the + and have used it now for 4 years and am very happy with it. It is rated at 41 kg but I haven't used it with more than 35 kg so haven't pushed the upper limit but it didn't break a sweat with that load. It is the kind of mount that disappears in the background after a while.

The MX mounts come with the SkyX and it is a very competent software. If you have done the modelling and have a refractor, the target will probably be spot on. If you have flex like I have with my SCT's, you just push one button and it will take one picture at the target, plate-solve and fine-tune the position and the target will be perfectly centered. And this just takes a few seconds, essentially the time for taking the picture. 


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Thanks for the comments.  It's nice to hear you have had no problems with your mx in 4 years.

do you have to perform any maintenance on the mx periodically?

i have read different things about maintenance so just trying to clarify the reality.


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I do regrease the RA- and DEC-worms annually. When putting things back together again, I also adjust the cam-stop. These are the only things I do.

One has to remove the motors to be able to regrease the worms, but there are both good videos and written instructions on how to do this so anyone can do it. Paramounts seem to be built so the user easily can remove or exchange parts in case anything should break, though Paramounts are generally very highly regarded when it comes to remote imaging just because they are very trouble-free.

I haven't read the forums regarding maintenace though. Is it any specific thing that concerns you?



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I went around the "new mount roundabout" considering, Mesu 200, GM 1000, Avalon M-Uno and ASA DDM60, and came down on the ASA in the end, as I wanted to get away from all the gearing / reduction / backlash shenanigans. Direct Drive is much simpler. Carries 28 kg for imaging.

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I've had an MX (no +) for over three years now. It works great with the bundled TSkyX Pro/ Tpoint/Camera add on software, everything is integrated without the need for any other software. Its installed in a shed observatory. I had one issue with one of the motors, but support from SB was great and they shipped a replacement FOC.


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You pay your money and take your chances .............. If you know enough people on forums and around the world of Astro you hear loads of the horror stories about  the premium mounts that rarely find their way onto forums and threads like these. It's a shame really as it really skews the balance. It would seem that people are more than happy to slate Skywatcher et al in the beginner market and yet people are reluctant to post warts and all issues with the Premium brands. This gives a very false idea on forums that the Premium brands are near perfect...... I personally think this is far from the case.

So not a plus for Paramount or any other brands, but if you know a few people who have the specific mount you are after, then perhaps contact them and see what they think as they may be reticent to post the negatives of a £7500+ in public.... Just an idle observation that I think has merit to be pointed out, not one that is having a pop at any brand :)

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I host three 10 Microns (it used to be four but one went back eventually for a refund), a Mesu and an Avalon Linear. I own a Tak EM200, 2 EQ sixes, an Avalon and a Mesu. Based on this experience if I were to buy another mount it would be, without doubt, another Mesu. I only know one Paramount MX owner personally and he's happy. 


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It's true that almost every premium brand owner, mount or telescope or car or anything will sing halleluja for their brand in a forum and generally that is because they are quite happy with it. But when speaking to them personally, one almost always gets to know the quirks that you won't see in the forums so I recommend that if you can find owners of the mounts you are interested in, try and talk to them in personal and you will also get to learn a lot of real good info about the equipment that has been gained by hard experience.

So even though premium brands have their problems, they still are premium brands for a reason and that is normally because of the performance they can show when they work at their best, but the most important thing for most of us is that they can perform at their best every day (or night) without a lot of fuss and as you ask, without a lot of maintenance.

Edit: And of course if you can get advice from someone like Olly, who is not tied to a brand but hosts a lot of different mounts, this is worth a multitude.


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On 27/09/2016 at 17:35, Lars said:


Edit: And of course if you can get advice from someone like Olly, who is not tied to a brand but hosts a lot of different mounts, this is worth a multitude.


That's why I have a deposit down for a MESU an I should hopefully get it before December.  Olly, Steve, Sara and others have them.  If forum titans like those guys are happy then that is good enough for me.

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