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September 13, 2016: 59-pane H-alpha mosaic (7th in 7 days)


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Seeing was quite a bit better in H-alpha than in Ca-K, so the mosaic came out well. I was worried that the low amount of activity would cause trouble when stitching, but AutoStitch worked perfectly. The temperatures were really high today. I tend to do white light and Ca-K first, after which I do the H-alpha. While I was doing the first two wavelengths, I put the Solar Spectrum H-alpha filter in direct sunlight, and when I attached it to the scope and the power supply, the temperature control unit immediately indicated 40 Celsius. The ambient temperature in the shade was 30.5 Celsius. Really odd for September.


Grey scale:


Pseudo colour:


Part inverted:


Part inverted + pseudo colour:



I must say I have rarely seen such a quiet disk in H-alpha.

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