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32mm eyepiece for Skymax 127 - questions

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I finally bought my first telescope last week; a SkyWatcher Skymax 127 with EQ3-2 mount and I am enjoying it so far.  After doing a lot of reading and searching for answers to my many questions (many of which were answered by SGL), I find I have more questions than I started with! It's amazing how the more you know, the more you realise you don't  know.

At the moment I am concentrating on my next eyepiece to avoid information overload. I have been using the kit 25mm eyepiece that came with the scope and have been enjoying the pin-point stars.  It seems like an OK eyepiece.  I'm sure once my eyes are better 'trained' and I've had the privilege of viewing through higher-end eyepieces I will understand the limitations of that eyepiece but for now it seems fine so I have decided to supplement my eyepieces rather than replacing the existing ones.  I have a BST explorer ED 12mm already and am now looking to add a 32mm.

Now, I understand that my scope is slow at f/11.8.  As it is slow, am I right in thinking a simpler lens design such as a Plossl is better for more light transmission or would a well made more complex design be ok if it is well made?

With a small, slow scope like this would I notice the difference between a modestly priced lens such as the Celestron Omni 32mm Plossl and a more expensive 32mm?  Is the difference between eyepieces on this scope worth spending the extra pounds or is it a case of diminishing returns?  Is the infamous Televue 32mm Plossl noticeably better even on a Skymax 127 (I might have to consider saving my pennies if it is)?


After looking around, these are the ~32mm EPs I can find within my budget. The Panaview is stretching it a bit and it is also a 2" but I would consider it if the difference is worth the extra.  I am leaning toward the Vixen 30mm (or would the 40mm be better?).  I know there is an element of personal preference but I could do with a little guidance to get me started in the right direction.

Revelation Plossl - https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/Revelation_32.0mm_Plossl_Eyepiece_1.25_.html

Celestron Omni - http://www.wexphotographic.com/buy-celestron-32mm-omni-series-plossl-eyepiece/p1528190

Vixen NPL - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/vixen-eyepieces/vixen-npl-eyepieces.html

Of course, please feel free to recommend any other EPs you feel may be more suitable  :)


I should mention that I wear glasses and can't view without them due to a rather impressive astigmatism that would turn all stars into doubles!

Apologies for the many questions and many thanks for any help you can offer.


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Hi Carolyn,

With your scope, most eyepiece designs will work very well. A "slow" scope does not pose the optical challenges for an eyepiece that a "fast" one does.

Of the eyepieces that you link to, I enjoyed the Vixen NPL a lot when I had one. It's a nicely made plossl and, I feel, a little better than the Revelation and Celestron Omnis.

In all honesty though, any of them would work well with your scope.

The Tele Vue plossls are possibly the best of their type but, again, with your scope not really challenging an eyepiece design, I don't think you would see any benefit from the additional investment.

An alternative to the 32mm plossl would be a 24 wide field such as the Explore Scientific 24mm 68 degree or a Maxvision 24 / 68. With their wider field of view these eyepieces show just as much sky as a 32mm plossl but perhaps in a more immersive way and with a slightly darker background sky due to the higher magnification.

You really have lots of choice without having to consider really expensive options with the maksutov-cassegrain design scopes !

All the above should be OK with your glasses in use but you may want to think of designs other than plossls for shorter focal length eyepieces because the eye relief (distance the eye needs to be placed from the top lens of the eyepiece) gets rather short when the focal length gets below around 15mm and you may find that you can't see the full field of view with your glasses on. There are longer eye relief designs around though to overcome this.


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You might want to check whether the Maxvision is 2" or 1.25", the ES 24mm certainly is 1.25". But I definitely agree a wide-view 24mm would be a good choice. In the same family and similar price is also the Baader Hyperion: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/baader-planetarium/baader-hyperion-68-degree-eyepiece.html

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