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ATIK 414EX artefacts....


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25 minutes ago, Marky1973 said:

Hi John - my main concern might be that I am running the cooling too hard and fast, so will try a more staged approach next time I am out but, if I get the same trouble doing that, then it might be time to think about what else might be going on. Fingers crossed the clear night forecast for tomorrow holds!

I cool my 460ex a little slower than I used to, I set it to reach -20C over about 5 minutes, when I used to use Artemis I just set the temp and off it went. I never had issues. I would seriously think about getting it looked at.

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Okay, sorry, back again.

Had another go last night and gradually cooled the CCD by 5oC increments down to -15. When it was close to -15 there was some trace of misting, but only at the very edges of teh image, and it soon cleared.

Today I was going to do my DARKS/BIAS/FLATS so set everything up and started cooling in the same way.

Wallop! Icing/misting heavily across the whole sensor, even with slow cooling. What is more, the cooling, once I try and get below 0 registers as a percentage of Power in Artemis, and then jumps between that and a temperature, which seems to fluctuate between 0 and 76oC! As I type this, the Artemis temperature window reads POWER (insteand of Temp) with just a "-----" in the window, so I have no idea what is going on. Popped back at the end of that sentence and the setpoint says 76 and the temperature is -9.8. 

I've gone back in a reduced the setpoint to -15 to match the the Ha Subs and it seems to be cooling normally, but the screen is riddle with mist/condensation and I am not confident it is going to hold steady.

Is this just another quirk of the cameras - obviously I am inside so the ambient temperature is a bit higher, but I thought that gradual cooling would help.

Maybe it is time to speak to FLO/Atik about it to see if there is anything obvious I am doing wrong?

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Hi Olly

I mean, I have no experience of the camera, so I am a little bamboozled. It got to -14 Temp and a setpoint of -15. The LIGHTS were taken at -15, so I just dropped the SET POINT to -16 and then the display changed to 23% power, the TEMP registered as 0! Waited and it returned to -16 SETPOINT and started cooling again. Stopped at -14, dropped the SETPOINT to -18 and it has jumped about again. 32% power and 0 degrees. Waited and it jumped to setpoint -19, temp 0 and then jumped to WARMING UP and the read power "on" an then back to -19, temp 0....and now just reads POWER "-----"

Just seems to be going through a loop of craziness!

I'll email ATIK and see what they say.

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Don't know if it's any help but I had a problem with the Atik 4000 temperature readings going crazy and there was a utility to reset something I found out after contacting Atik.

My ATIK314L+ plus gives slightly odd temp' readings, I set it to -15 and it writes 14.9 in the Fits header, never need to go lower than -15 as it struggles to get any lower in the summer.

I would definitely stop messing with it and return it to Atik, via FLO if you purchased it through them.



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Yep, I'm going to email now, just came back after a few minutes and the SETPOINT is registered at -19, but the CCD TEMP is 0 and the status was warming up! Shut ARTEMIS down and it now won't reopen - can't find the camera! Hey ho, just frustrating as it is a great camera and I was just getting to grips with it!

Cheers everyone - always good to check that it isn't me being a numpty before doing anything drastic! :-)

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FLO and Atik won`t let you down, Atik will even service and renew second hand cameras that are out of warranty, you have to pay a little for this service but it`s not much and they do a first class job and they are as good as new when done, one reason i buy Atik cameras, the guys go that extra mile.

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I have had 5 Atik CCD mono cameras and I too have never had the slightest sign of misting up let alone frosting no matter how fast they cool.  I have always used Artemis Capture with Atik cameras. 

And I too don't think this is right.

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Johnrt and Davey-T are right, Mark. I think it best we have the camera back so Atik can check it out. My colleague will find your email when we re-open Monday then contact you to arrange a DHL collection. Please don't let it spoil your weekend :smile: 


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Yes sounds completely wrong to me too, erratic behaviour with the temperature controller, and sounds like some moisture is getting into the camera somehow.  I have always had an excellent service with Atik, and as stated above even with a 2nd hand camera, so I am glad you are sending it back for attention.


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