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QHY Mini Guidescope kt


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Just come across the QHY Mini Guidescope.

I have the ToupTek Guidecam from FLO and was wondering if it would work with this little scope, as it would save a lot of weight.

Anyone used one of these for guiding ?

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I use one and love it... but I use it with the matching QHY5L-II-M guide camera. The thread is a standard CCTV type "C" mount which I think is what your ToupTek has by default. My camera has a "CS" mount so I used the supplied CS->C adapter.

The combination is light and pretty good (it is a doublet) and solid. My main imaging focal length is only 500mm but with the small pixels (3.75um) of the QHY5L-II-M camera it will probably be suitable for focal lengths double mine.

There is one issue I have with it, if you pull focus way out you have to be careful not to damage the threads with the focus locking thumb screw. This won't happen at infinity focus with the QHY5L-II-M camera. The other thing is that the objective is right at the end of the scope so will mist up quickly. I found a nice lens hood and made a small dew heater to combat that.

I have got all manner of dimensions for it from a previous test so shout if you need any...alternatively give Bern at Modern Astronomy a shout and I am sure he will confirm if it will fit or not...








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5 hours ago, wornish said:

Thanks for the info.
How many arc seconds accuracy do you get when guiding?

Roughly +/- 2 arcseconds peak, less than 1 arcseconds RMS.


There are a few peaks in the graph below that were caused by me touching the mount, actual peak error was less than shown below (less than 1 pixel).




I prefer to use pixels as it gives me a better idea of what is going on at my scale...(if I am roughly 0.25 of a pixel out on the guider I am happy, that means I am well within a sub-pixel of guiding).

Although the graph looks like a mountain range it is only 124mm of focal length which is not long at all but the final image is pretty much spot on. 


Here's a thread where you can see it mounted:



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