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My New "Observatory".


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Work commences on Monday morning on my new large patio area at the back of the house.The same company will be doing the drive out front soon enough also. I was talking to the company boss yesterday and we got chatting about astronomy of all things.He very generously offered to include (at no extra cost) a pathway from the new patio area leading onto the garden lawn and at the end of the path.....put a 10ft diameter circle for me to use for observing. A 10ft wide circle will give me loads of space to put a telescope down on and easily be able to move around without bumping into the scope etc.

It will all be done in a colour/design of my choice. He suggested a compass design which would point exactly N/S/E/W......but i dont use scopes which need to be polar aligned. I'm thinking of this design instead. Its simply called a star circle. Obviously it wont be n this colour.

It will be nice to have a designated area in the garden purely for observing.

I'm thinking of christening it as "Free Star Observatory".




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Paul, welcome back!

I like your design a lot - but it is almost a compass design without the labels. You could have the star aligned NSEW so if you ever did need the cardinal points they would be there.

Put an extra deckchair out for me, I'll bring the glasses and a bottle of Chilean plonk...


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Tricky, I guess with a wheelchair paved areas are easier to negotiate, but they also hold a lot of heat and mess up the viewing quality around your scope. Grass is a better surface to observe on/over. Not sure about astroturf, might have to test that theory

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