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Sun proms Ha 16-8-16 (failed mosaic again)


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Here is an image of prom action on the Sun's limb today.  I tried yet again to do a 9 pane mosaic but it failed.  I can't get all the panes to stitch properly in PS or Auotstitch.  Also, the panes are of uneven brightness so the panes that do stitch create a chequerboard despite using flats or a false flat.  Anyhow, there is some good news in that I got some sort of part image AND I can run AS!2 and ImPPG on my Mac now.  Deep joy and lightning quick.


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17 minutes ago, johnfosteruk said:

Nice image considering. How are you running the Windows apps on the Mac? I use wine and it's glitchy. 

No glitches, yet.  I followed the AS!2 tutorial for installation and it did ImPPG too.

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Very nice image Chris, I sometimes have to try a few stitching programs to get one that works.

It also sometimes helps of you do it in a few stages ie stitch pairs and then stitch the resulting halves.

If you have P'Shop it keeps the panes separate so you can alter the individual "brightness" in levels before flattening.


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