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Vixen NLV, impulse buy


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Hello. I recently have seen a vixen NLV 4mm. It has been a long time since purchasing a vixen, I still have a older silver top type 7.5mm Japan plossl. I think these NLV eyepieces may be the predecessor to the modern vixen SLV ,and I may be wrong but I have a feeling the NLV were Japan origin while the newer SLV are from possible China/Taiwan type of location.   Hopefully if these are from Japan the Optics should be good(which you need in a high power magnification eyepieces) and I understand these come with very good eye relief and a twist up cup assists with eye position. Therefore I thought I would give this eyepiece a whirl and for the price of around a budget type plossel then it will be interesting of its performance . 











An interesting eyepiece☺

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Being made in China is no longer a synonym for being of inferior quality (at least in some things) and I preferred my SLVs to my NLVs. However we are talking tiny differences optically, which probably go unnoticed during most observing sessions. Construction-wise though, the SLV is definately better.

They're both very good eyepieces though - enjoy!

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The SLV's have the better build (the plastic twist up eyecup on the NLV's are not what you'd normally expect of Vixen) but optically they are both top notch. I've owned a number of both in the past and they are great eyepieces for driven mounts, and give really comfortable bright orthoscopic views at a great price, enjoy! :) 

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