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2nd Saturn Attempt


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Blimey, my poor effort is in exalted company!!!

Still, here you are.

676 of 1072 frames, manually edited in Virtual dub and stacked in Registax, contrast and levels tweaked in PSCS2.

Not sure why the circular feature is appearing in the middle, and I'm sort of happy with it. Focus needs some practise - 2nd time out with the camera, though.

Using a 2x barlow only on the camera


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Looks great Daz, the centre is just over exposed mate try setting the software so it's much dimmer mate this will help when you stack your images.

As Grant says you should be happy with that esp as its your 2nd attempt.


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Just a quick question, if thats in a 8" will it look like that in the 10"?

probably Sonia but remember that the process of capturing the image involves putting together a large number of frames captured over a couple of minutes. This allows more detail to develop than you are likely to see with the eye on it's own. On the other hand the brain can often fill in the things that the eye misses. I am sure you will love the views you will get.


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This happnes so much with Jupiter the burning out of details esp in the middle of the Bands to get round it you really need to lower your gain/brightness levels to avoid it happening at least in my experiance anyway..


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