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SH2-155 ha


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Hi Everyone, I took advantage of 3 clear nights over

the full moon period and managed to bag myself 8 hours of Ha

data for this take on sh2-155.

what I found with this target was how faint some of the HA data was,

and processing to try and keep some of  the subtle data looking ok


I am very tempted on adding OIII data but I would imagine that

would take up my next 4 months imaging time if the HA data

is anything to go by.

In the end I will probably chicken out and add some rgb data

hope you like it, criticisms welcome.

Taken with Atik 383L at -15, 7nm ha filter 32x15 minute subs

WO star 71 f4.9, Fl 350mm on top of a AZ-eq6gt




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Thanks guys for your king comments,

13 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

A really attractive range from emission to obscuring dust.


Hi Olly, I did struggle with the processing on this one as there appears to be lots of dust and emission all over that area,

I probably spent as long on the processing as the capture time, which isn't a bad thing as that part is the enjoyable part

But I must have walked away from a finished image and started from scratch again 4-5 times :) 

12 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

I've pixel peeped those corners and yep.... its spot-on.... good image.

Hi Rob, this was a first for me on the total sub time, normally only do around half that, I owe a lot of that down to

the QHY pole master.


5 hours ago, swag72 said:

Very nice - Great mono image of a really interesting object :)

Thanks Sara, the thing is it was yours and Olly's brilliant takes on this target that inspired me

to go for it, looking at your NB image you took in  August 2014, I was contemplating in putting some

OIII data with it but looking at your OIII total time and my bad sky conditions I will probably chicken out

and add some RGB in the mix :) 

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3 hours ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Another super Ha mono image.  This target looks good with RGB too.

Let's hope you have some clear skies to finish!

Hi Barry , thanks, I think I will be going down the rgb route,

mainly and sadly down to the amount of time it would take me to acquire

the rest of the NB data, in saying that its all down to our UK weather ( rgb it is then ) :) 

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