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I am thinking how I can improve my focus now I am using precise goto it takes me to the nearest star to the object I wish to view, so if I can get good focus on that particular star before I slew to the object it will be a improvement  , any thoughts on me using a Bhatinov mask ?   

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I always used to zoom right in with my DSLR and just keep trying to get sharp focus until I got a mask. Made focusing my 200p so much easier. 

Now if I buy a new scope I buy the correct bahtinov mask to go with it. No point guessing focus when I can get perfect focus without spending too much time especially since imaging time here in the UK is so precious 

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Hi Mark

As stated if manual the Bhatinov mask (get the correct model- yes i have made that mistake :) ) is the best solution if manual focusing.

Digressing a little and not relevant if visual you could by a robotic focus motor and controller for your set up second hand for quite reasonable prices.  I sounds daunting, not that long ago i sat there wondering what to do next but it is the best method by far.

Obtain a rough focus - run some focus curves so the software understand the characteristics of your system.  The press 'Go' - job done every time far, far more accurately than could be done by eye.

Bhatinov is the best route for visual.


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