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Whos seen Sol today ? 7-7-16


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not me, 100% venus weather here in south wales,  theres a new nice size spot Michael caught thismorrning moving on to the disc, id be interested if someones had eyes on it in the uk or anywhere . hope you all have clear skys charl.

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thanks laudropb, glad you got some viewing, when i saw the forcast thismorrning i thought you would be in for a chance, yer the spot in Michaels image looks very nice, cant wait to see it myself, the forcast here for tomorrow is much the same as today, but ive got my fingers crossed that ladyluck will smile on us and give us some clear sky.  charl.

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I had a nice view of it earlier today. There was a fair amount of cloud around but I got a few nice clear patches. The seeing was pretty variable but again I had some brief times when it was good.

The new AR looked interesting. There appeared to be two spots within the faculae, one larger with a penumbral region around it and another smaller one to the north. This, I believe, had formed after Michael's image was taken as I cannot see it even zoomed in.

Interestingly I couldn't see any of the small spots I detected yesterday so they must have disappeared.

The AR to the west had changed again, with somewhere around 10 small spots making it up. Further areas of faculae to be seen too.

Hopefully tomorrow will have some clear spells too.

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thanks for the report Stu and Dave, so theres quite a bit going on, the regions in the east and west sound like there developing nicely, i hope we get a bit of clear tomorrow, i sat for 2 hours thismorrning hoping for a break, but the best it got was a fleeting silloet. clear skys charl.

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It was sunny all afternoon whilst I was away, total overcast when I finally got up to the observatory around 6pm but a lucky small gap just gave me time for a quick run round the limb in Ha. The main filaprom and the associated outburst was splendid, specially with good seeing at the centre of the gap. Alas all too short lived.

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