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More spots on the Sun - 6th July 2016


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The seeing is not great here today, but I'm still seeing some nice fine detail when it stills for a minute.

There is a new spot, or rather what looks like a close pair of tiny pores in the area of faculae to the north of the large one with the spot we have been discussing.

The more central AR now has three clear spots in a line, two larger ones with a small one roughly in between.

That's now three active areas, albeit small and not that active!!! ;) 

Would be great to see some images of them to confirm

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Very interesting. It started out lovely and sunny here, but I made the mistake of taking the dog for a walk before setting up. I did manage a very quick view before the clouds arrived and it started to rain. Got the 2 obvious ARs but not the new one.

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2 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

heres Sohos image Stu, sols outa range for me.charlmdi_sunspots_1024.png

Thanks charl. The spot/pore I saw is in the area of faculae above the larger area with the spot which is visible in this picture. I gues it was too small or hadn't formed when this image was taken? Either that or a fly landed on my scope ;) 

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2 hours ago, Moonshane said:

Maybe these should be renamed as SARs (slightly/somewhat active areas)

I like that Shane :). We are somewhat clutching at straws at the moment aren't we?

The more centrally placed group seems very dynamic though, last time I looked it had developed into between four and six spots of varying sizes. Interesting to see the changes in just a couple of hours.

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12 minutes ago, Stu said:

Thanks charl. The spot/pore I saw is in the area of faculae above the larger area with the spot which is visible in this picture. I gues it was too small or hadn't formed when this image was taken? Either that or a fly landed on my scope ;) 

yer i think the image was taken early, i first looked at it about 9.30 am and thay havnt posted a later one yet, the area in the east is very active i wouldnt be suprized if theres more lurking in there. charl.

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That was fun, just caught something heading across the disk, small black spot. Not a plane or bird, wonder if it was a satellite? I'll check Calsky.

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