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Dream Binoculars

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Very well... I'm quite pleased with the image-stabilization feature of my Canon bins, so it would have to include that. For me, binoculars are all about grab-and-go, "astronomy anywhere", so nothing which requires a mount. I have really enjoyed 10x magnification and now regularly use 15x mag; hard to say which I prefer yet. I certainly prefer the increase in light-gathering ability that comes with aperture and having compared 30mm to 50mm, I guess ideal bins would be 50 to 60. And if the body could be carbon fiber to keep the weight down...ah well, veering off now.


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I had a commission to make a mount for a 25x150 Fujinon for fitting to a Starchair so had the chance to try the arrangement out. I found it to be not as good or convenient as it looks. Far better than hand held though!  :icon_biggrin:

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I have tried many types of binoculars over the years - 7x50, 10x50, 15x70, 20x80 and at a star party some 25x100. For many years I was happy with my Celestron 15x70 but when I bought some Helios Apollo 15x70 it was a different world. I screwed some O-111 filters and the view of the Rosette Neb was fantastic.

So to answer your question I like to hand hold my binos and just enjoy sweeping up the Sky - hopefully I will get a good view of the NAB and Veil when we return to darker skies. So I am happy with the 15x70. That is not to say I would like to try the the Lunt 16x70 just to compare.

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The Takahashi 22x60 (basically two FS-60s bolted together) binoculars would be awesome.  However for me, the real joy of binoculars is their grab and go nature so needing a support of some kind some what negates the primary benefit.  Considering that, probably a pair of Swarovski 10x50s.

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Hi everybody (been a while) - the yen for for some big binos has not gone away! In the realm of "dreams" it would probably be the Strathspey 100/45 degree with mount, which I think is the same or very similar to the Obie BT100.  Dreams are nicer though if there is some faint chance that they might be realised sometime. In that case it would probably be the Lunt 16x70s or what I've oft fancied the look of are the Obie Series III 20x80s (or even the 25x100s) which unfortunately I don't think you can get in the UK.

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