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May 6th - White Light - AR2542


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A very hazy morning today, I never even attempted any visual observations with HA, it was too dull.  Thin variable cloud over the sun all the time.  The two pics both needed about twice the normal exposure because of the murk.  Taken with the Equinox 80 and Lunt H Wedge, Olympus E-M10 plus x2 barlow for the close-up of AR2542.  I'm glad this AR has returned or Mercury will be mightily lonely as it crosses the disk for WL viewers - though things could still change of course.

I'm getting a bit nervous as the weather forecast is showing it clear all day up here on Monday, still, it will probably be clear somewhere by the look of it.


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1 minute ago, philj said:

Glad you got something Paul, nowt but high mist round here all day

Thanks Phil.  I think the reason I saw anything at all is because the altitude here is around 800 feet.

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