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Mid Wales Milky Way Super Wide Field

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My first astrophoto since September........bad year or what!

Had a break in the clouds last Friday and I managed to drum up enough enthusiasm to set up a camera on the outside pier and take some images with a Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens set at the 10mm end. The Milky Way was rising in the East (my most Light Polluted direction) closely followed by the last quarter moon. But still dark enough to be worth a shot or two (I measured the SQM darkness earlier to be about 21.9 with Ursa Major overhead).

In the photo the view stretches from M8 Lagoon Nebula in Sagitarius (bottom right corner) right through almost into Cassiopeia!

Surprisingly early mornings in the Springtime is a good time to catch the 'Summer' Milky Way.

Milky Way, 650 seconds single frame, 10mm F4 Sigma lens, Fujifilm S5 Pro camera @ ISO 1000.


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16 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Very nice image. Almost makes me think I'm looking down on a beach with a wave washing ashore for some reason! :) 

can i have some of what ever your on :happy10:

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36 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Very nice image. Almost makes me think I'm looking down on a beach with a wave washing ashore for some reason! :) 

I kind of see what you're saying- the light pollution has a golden tint which could be the sand!

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Exactly! Also, I saw a photo once of a black sand beach from volcanic rock or something I believe, that also glinted when the sun light shine on it too, so that forms part of the beach image too in my mind! No drugs or alcohol involved at all! Hehe! ;) 

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