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April 30th - H Alpha and White Light - A2536


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 Out early this morning as the bright start was not scheduled to last for long.  HA (all single frames) taken with Lunt 60mm DS and Olympus E-M5.  The first taken at 7.01 am through some cloud and the second at 8.13 am, both at 500 asa and on 1/15 and 1/30 respectively.

The WL taken with an Equinox 80, Lunt H Wedge and the Olympus.  The disk shot was on 1/1600 at 200 asa and the close up of AR2436 (using a x2 barlow) on 1/640 at 200 asa.





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58 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Very nice Paul, wish I'd started earlier but I didn't get to bed 'till 2am :)


Thanks Dave.  I hope your late night/early morning was for good enjoyable reasons and you weren't poorly or anything

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37 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Very nice images Paul. Intermittent cloud here, but seeing was pretty good. Tried a quick and rough sketch of AR 2356 and glad to say it matches your close up quite well.

Thanks very much, I would like to see you're drawing if you feel you decide to post it.

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1 hour ago, paulastro said:

Thanks Dave.  I hope your late night/early morning was for good enjoyable reasons and you weren't poorly or anything

No, out trying to do some imaging but annoying bands of cloud kept getting in the way forecast clear tonight so who knows  :)


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